This is actually a unisex name. As of 2024, there are 10010 men and 165 women named Santos in Spain. Source:
As this is a common last name in Brazil, I've always found it weird as a forename. It doesn't help that it's got the recent negative association with a certain corrupt Brazilian-American politician who lied about being the grandson of Holocaust survivors and even described himself as "Jew-ish".
I loathe this name, only for old men not for children.
Also used as a feminine name - rarely used in Spain and more heavily concentrated in much of Latin America (particularly Peru and much of Central America, which can also be applied for Santos as a masculine name).Links: (semi-reliable overview) (statistics on Santos on its own + combinations in Catalonia, includes data by nationality) (Spain - nationality data found by typing name and clicking 'País de nacionalidad')
Also used in Portuguese, especially in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking areas of Africa:
Used in reference to
Compare Toussaint. [noted -ed]
The name Santos was given to 214 boys born in the US in 2016.
82.61 percent of people with the first name Santos are male.
My baptismal first name. Santos Nancy G______.
Means "saints" in Portuguese.
I think this name sounds exotic. It seems, like, instantly Mexican. Although that might just be because it's my boyfriend's name.
I love this name, I don't know why. It just sounds so sweet.
Caprice's comment made me happy C:

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