Unfit to be a name folks would give to someone. Dislike it.
I wouldn't personally use it, but Crew is one of my guilty pleasure names.
Imagine someone being in a Crew and they're named Crew. “Hey Crew” says one of the crew members. Things get confusing from then on.
Crew is now in the US top 300, so I think the description of "rare" is no longer accurate. (I still hate the name anyway.) [noted -ed]
You know, this name is really growing on me. I have to admit, when I first heard it, I wasn't too crazy about it, mainly because it (generally, at least) refers to more than one person. However, the more I hear it and think about it, the more I actually like it for that reason! It could serve as a reminder that the child will always have a “Crew” (possibly referring to family) that will love them forever, and I think that's beautiful. It also definitely has “cool kid” vibes, too, haha.
Overall, I like Crew for a name. I think it's a good one!
As far as I can tell, another pointless random word name. I can't tell what it is supposed to mean. A Crew on a ship, a crewcut, a Crew neck t-shirt; only the parents know I suppose.
"Join the Crew on the boat." Reminds me of a sea captain.
The person with this name is being piloted by a bunch of tiny people inside of them.
Not a fan of it for a person because the meaning of the word is plural.
I don't like it.
It’s growing on me...
Crew Gaines is Chip & Joanna Gaines' son.
Satisfies me.

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