This is a nice, strong name. It sounds quite noble. :)
The spelling is kind of weird. I personally don't really like names with weird/strange spellings.
Nice. I like the look, sound, and meaning.
Looks like Oprah.
In my opinion, Ophrah is not for boys only. It can be used as a girl's name too. This name should be listed as unisex. It sounds far more feminine than masculine anyway. Don't worry, I didn't say Ophrah can't be a boy's name, but it's unisex.
This is also a Hebrew feminine name.
Israeli singer of Yemeni descent: Ofra Haza.
The masculine name is not Ophrah but "Offer", the addition of the "ah" at the end of a name turns any Hebrew name to a feminine name (Yosef-Yosefa and so on).And BTW, the name of the famous TV host, Oprah Winfrey, was not derived from this name, but was originaly "Orpah" (from the Book of Ruth, a not so loveble character, from the Hebrew word "oref", the back of the head, because she turned her back, while Ruth stayed), but no one could pronounce it, so it came out Oprah.

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