This is an incredible sounding name with an incredible meaning. If I had native ancestry, I would be using this for my son.
Although, I personally, wouldn't use it, I think this a really cool and strong name. Wick would be an awesome nickname too.
I’m seeing a lot of ns. This sounds like a good name, though I can’t tell if it’s for a boy or girl.
This name is badass!
This name is Interesting and a mouthful.
This sounds like a name for a gnoblin.
Today's name: 8. 19, 2021.
Dislike the "Wick" at the beginning, but other else than that, it's fine.
Woah! I have no idea of how to pronounce this.
Sounds like the name of some kind of rope.
I get such a kick out of this name.
'Alone on a boat' might be a more simple description!
This is a cool name with such a great meaning. I only have two complaints: it would probably be difficult for a child to spell, and it sounds a little too much like the word "Wiccan," which isn't necessarily the first thing you want people to think of when you introduce yourself.
A name I sometimes leave as my own at Starbucks. Wickaninnish is never leaving my name list. Ever.
The spelling, meaning, and pronunciation of this name, all rolled together, makes it hard for me to take this name seriously. I'd hate to meet anyone with this name, I couldn't help myself but laugh every time I heard or said it!
What a truly practical name!
This is simply on an internet database for names, no one is suggesting you dolts use it for your own children.
Meaning win!
I like the name, how it's spelled and I really like the meaning. It's just so perfect. :D
I don't like this name at all. If you change a letter, it will sound too close to the horrible word "pickaninny".
Possible nicknames could be Wicky or Ninny. (LOL)
This is just a strange name.
I love this name. And I love the meaning, I think it's very funny.

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