This trend started with Ayden, the alpha, and ends with Zayden, the omega.
It's completely made up and designed to be "trynndeigh".
Not another -aden name! I'd picture a Zayden as being the son of a "speak to the manager" Karen mom.
Say it fast enough it'll sound like Satan.
Actually, this name is so handsome and upper class yet so modern and fresh... why must a recently invented name be such a hate magnet? :(!
Cute on a girl ^^
Zayden is actually a very cool name, in my opinion. I view it as unisex. Personally, I find it the most unique of the -ayden names. As someone born in the mid-2000s, I’ve known countless people with -ayden variants. There’s just something about Zayden.
I think Zayden is a wonderful name.
This name honestly isn't that bad! It's strange, true, but not tacky/unattractive! Stop the hate!
Sounds like French people trying to pronounce Jayden...
A strange combination of two awkward sounds.
Will make the parents sound quite silly.
Poor child.
This name doesn’t even sound feminine in the first place, and is just a combination of trendy prefixes that makes the parents look quite silly.
"Zaedynn Payslee"? Poor kid.
Great name! I prefer it for a girl ;)
I named my daughter Zaedynn Payslee. She is now 12 and her name fits her perfectly!
I am hurt by these comments saying this name is bad. If you don't like it, don't say anything! Seriously. Who cares if this name is trendy and young-sounding? So much better than all of your old boring grandma names like Elisabeth, Alison, Sofia, Charlotte, Nora, etc.
To those of you who do like it, use it! It is a wonderful name! :)
I’m really sorry about the hate you got on your daughter’s name. If it makes you feel any better, Zaedynn Payslee is the sweetest name!
Trashy and immature.
I personally don’t hate most of the -ayden names like Caden, Hayden, and Jayden are fine in my opinion, but this one is just so stupid and immature sounding. I have genuine sympathy for anyone with this awful name!
My nephew's name is Zayden and I love the name. He is not one of 15 Liam's in his class. I am a fan of -den ending names anyway. It has the perfect balance of slightly different without being off the wall. We call him Z or Z-man sometimes. I am happy to love a boy named Zayden.
What a poor, poor name. Only four people like this name :(
PLEASE, just PLEASE don't name your poor boy or even worse, a girl this "name". This is the worst thing I've seen in my whole entire life.
Another nasty trash name. Please don't cast this monstrosity on a child!
The worst of the -den names.

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