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A very interesting and cool name, but it probably would be a bit odd for a little boy and the child may need to grow into it. And imagining a child named Zebulun's first day of school... among names like Harper and Jayden, a Zebulun. This may work as a middle name though.
Do not refer to the meaning of the name provided in the word of God as a "folk etymology", thus calling God a liar.
I have this name. That's what "Z" stands for.
This name sounds so cool! Zebulun is definitely one of those names that stands out from the rest! =)
I do find this name pretty interesting, HOWEVER I definitely understand this name does not work well on a human in real life! "Sounds so cool"... for a futuristic sci-fi kind of character... is what I meant.
The meaning of this name is actually 'dwelling place'.
This is an awesome name! Not sure I'd use it as a first name, but for a middle name it would be really cool!
Its original Hebrew form is Zevulun (zeh-voo-loon).

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