Bean Bumfluff is the name of a character made by the youtuber FakeGamerGirl in her wall people challenge video. Bean Bumfluff grew up inside of someone's house walls and she is definitely still barefoot.
Cutest name ever tbh, and then you have a MySims character called this and I'm happy as ever.
My friend's name is Bean. She was named after her parents' favourite type of protein, as they are bodybuilders. So sorry to hear about your precious little darling guinea pig, we often feed Bean carrots, she also longs to bite people's fingers, it is her favourite pastime. I really hope protein names become more common in the future, If I have a son, I would name them Kidney Carrot. Because of my favourite Bean and vegetable. If I had a daughter I would name them Sourcraught Leighticce as an abbreviation of the lovely vegetables. I send my condolences to your guinea pig. I would love to go over and see the grave. I imagine I would weep and sob, remembering the poor mammal that lit up our lives, blessing our spirits. Like a mammal Jesus.
My little sister's guinea pig was named Bean. It was the most beautiful, sweet, loving & nurturing creature I had ever met. She would nibble so gently and caring on my fingies. I think she thought they were carrots but once she realized they weren’t, she didn’t care— she still wanted a taste. Honestly this little white fuzz ball changed my life. She would always squeak and be so happy — showing me that I had so much to live for. I’ll always be thankful that I had this little creature in my life, even though it was for a short time. She passed tragically last month, and has a beautiful grave site in our back yard. Please DM me if you are interested in visiting to pay your respects, it is very busy but we can maybe squeeze you into our fully booked visitation schedule. I highly recommend naming your first-born Bean as a tribute to the little beast, as I will certainly be doing so!

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