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So unique and full of energy. I feel like this would be a perfect name for me because I play electric guitar.
Electra Carlin (1912 – 2000) was an American art dealer and gallery owner in Fort Worth, Texas. She operated Fort Worth's longest-running private art gallery, which was also the first in the area founded and operated by women.
This name is actually so pretty, though I hate that it reminds me of that gross “Electra complex” theory.
Electra is the name of the electric locomotive of the musical "Starlight Express".
I think Electra can also be a unisex name.
My name is Electra and I love that it is. Though I am often called electricity, electric current and the likes which I find rather silly, still I am glad I was named Electra. It's a powerful name and I hope to live up to it.
My name is Electra, and I'm glad it is too. It's a powerful name of a powerful goddess. But, as a kid I was teased a lot as kids called me electricity, internet, wi-fi etc. Where did they come up with this I don't know. But it's an unusual name that should be celebrated not made fun of because hardly any people have this unique name.
This name electrifies me, it's so beautiful ❤️.
Electra is one of the stars of the Taurus constellation.
Electra is full of electricity, I'm not lying.
It's a bit "out there", but it's kind of pretty and cool-sounding. I think this spelling looks and flows better than Elektra. The Italian version Elettra is nice as well.
Sounds like the name of a phone brand.
Too technical sounding.
Electra Collins Doren (1861-1927) fought for women's legal right to vote in the US.
Electra Nicole Mustaine is the daughter of metal singer and guitarist Dave Mustaine of Megadeth. Her brother Justis David is a metal guitar while she is a country singer.
Electra is a minor character in the musical 'Cats'. She is a kitten in the chorus line. The name in the musical is from the name mentioned in 'The Naming of Cats' - a T. S Eliot poem:
"There are fancier names if you think they sound sweeter,
Some for the Gentlemen, some for the Dames,
Such as Plato, Admetus, Electra, Demeter,
But all of them sensible, everyday names."
My name is Electra. All of the comments above mentioned are pretty accurate! I was called Electricity as a child, was asked if it were my 'stripper name' as a young lady, and I have been told the history of my name by so many people... Here is one that is not known. Electra was the name of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter that my distant relative, former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had turned into his presidential yacht. It was later sold to Elvis Presley. There are not many of us, and it is a name I love!
The Pleiad Electra of Greek mythology was one of the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. [noted -ed] She was called Atlantis by Ovid, personifying the family of Pleiades.
I love the name Electra, my parents almost used it for me, and I would have preferred it if they had. Sadly, even though it sounds nice, it's a name you have to be careful with because of it's not-so-pleasant origins.
I would like it... but I can't not think of Carmen Electra.
Instead of the Greek myth, the meaning of this name is another. Means 'shining', person that radiates light.
I prefer Elektra to Electra. The K in the middle gives importance.
The names sounds awesome and IS awesome though I prefer it spelled "Elektra". •ᴗ•.
Electra Havemeyer Webb (August 16, 1888 – November 19, 1960) was a collector of fine art and American antiques and founder of the Shelburne Museum in Vermont.
I really don't like this name: it reminds me too much of electricity.
This is such a lovely, classy name. Not very common, easy to pronounce. It's so cool!
Electra is really cool! I love the spelling! It has an edge to it!
This name is so electric. I love it! It has an extra spark. :-)
And I definitely prefer Electra to Elektra--the 'k' in the middle looks odd to me, and (in my eyes) interrupts the flow.
I think Electra is fitting for a child, an adult, and an older woman. It is spunky, that's for sure.
I think this name could age with you. I can picture baby Electra, child Electra teenage Electra, whatever. It always sounded very intelligent to me.
I like it. It sounds really different and cool.
I think this is a really cool and ultra-futuristic name. Hmm, perhaps a bit too futuristic for my tastes, I suppose. I think it would suit somebody born in the 23rd Century just fine, though. :)
Electra is a famous opera by Richard Strauss and a stunning work.
I think Electra sounds very modern and invented. It reminds me of the word "electric". It is a cool name but it is far from beautiful.
This name reminds me of a ditzy blonde model.
I love this name. It sounds so unusual and dramatic, and it's still really cool and pretty. Electra is not a name that you would forget easily.
Reminds me too much of electricity. Especially the word electrify.
This is a very cool name. It's just that the history of the name (the Greek myth, the Electra Complex), slightly ruins it for me. Still, a great-sounding name.
Besides being the name of a murderer in a story, and sounding like some kind of supervillian with lightning powers, imagine how this name fits with most last names. Electra Johnston...?
The jokes about the Electra Complex would be endless. Besides, this name sounds like a pseudonym for an over-the-top singer or actress or something. Sure, it sounds pretty cool, but how cool will it be when the woman is 45 years old, let alone 60? The name just doesn't come off that spunky on someone who's past the age of spunk. Of course, it could be that the girl turns out quite shy or just really ordinary and conventional and hates the attention her name brings.
I love this name, it's from Greek mythology and the 19th James Bond film The World Is Not Enough (1999)!
I think Electra is a cool name. It makes me think of the word "electric". It makes me think of a girl who is very unique, some would say weird, kind of a punk-rocker, and isn't afraid to be herself. Though I like to spell it Elektra better. The K makes it seem harder and more original.
"An Elektra Complex" is the female version of an Oedipus Complex, in which a daughter has a sexual-romantic relationship with (or feelings for) her father.
Czech fashion designer Zlatuše Miller has a daughter Elektra.
Elektra´s nicknames are Ela, Elli, Elka, (E)lektrine.
Electra did not help Orestes actually kill their mother or their mother's lover, but stood off to the side and cheered him on.
My cousin's name is Electra, and I had an ancestor named Electa. Origins of the name, meaning, and namesakes are, to some extent, unimportant if you like the name.
Not a nice name, given the background, naming someone shouldn't be just about how it sounds or what it means, the history behind the name is as important.
In psychiatry, Dr. Carl Jung proposed the Electra complex to explain when girls are obsessed with their fathers and harbor resentment towards their mothers. It is the female version of the Oedipus complex.
The word electricity is derived from the name Electra. The princess that bore this name had amber eyes and electricity was first discovered by rubbing silk and the jewel amber together.
The amber-silk story is a little wrong. The word electricity did not come from an amber-eyed princess named Electra, it was a little more direct: the word elektros means amber.
Carmen Electra is an actress best known for her role as Lani McKenzie on the "Baywatch" T.V. series.
Elektra is a character in the Marvel Comics universe, but, the spelling's different.
Electra didn't really help Orestes to kill their mother, she just pushed him a little.

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