Seraiah or Sraya (שְׂרָיָה "Soldier/Prince/Princess of/is the LORD", Standard Hebrew Səraya, Tiberian Hebrew Śərāyā) is the name of several people mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, and a name with other non-biblical uses.
I think this name is really beautiful. Masculine or feminine, this name has a graceful flow and an interpretive meaning, Sariah and Seriah are feminine forms of this name but with the same meaning. I love vowel-y names like this, with the sharp "s" and smooth "r", this name sounds beautiful when spoken.
I think it is beautiful because it is from the bible and is my bff's name.
I’m so sad that most of the 19 people who reviewed this name think it’s feminine. To me, it’s masculine in this spelling, but could be gender neutral or feminine if spelled differently.
I think this would work beautifully as a female name. To me, it doesn't have any masculine qualities.

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