[Facts] Pagan fire names for girls
Hestia - Greek goddess of fire, the hearth and home.Pyrrha - "Fire"; daughter of Pandora and Epimetheus, and the Hellenic equivalent of Noah's wife.Vesta - Roman goddess of fire, the hearth and home.Eisa - "Embers"; Norse goddess of fire, the hearth and home, and daughter of the god Loki.Gerda - Norse goddess of beauty, magic, fire, the sun and day, time.Brighid or Brigid - Celtic goddess of fire. Wiccans honor her on the holiday of "Imbolc", also known as "Candlemas" or "The Festival of Brighid (pronounced "Breed")", celebrated on February 2nd.Brigantia - Irish goddess of fire.-- Nanaea
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Girls names meaning fire  ·  suki green  ·  1/10/2001, 6:02 AM
Re: Girls names meaning fire  ·  Phyllis  ·  1/17/2001, 2:56 PM
Pagan fire names for girls  ·  Nanaea  ·  1/10/2001, 8:25 AM
Re: Girls names meaning fire  ·  Norah  ·  1/10/2001, 7:30 AM