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[Facts] He's Back and He's Black!
...which isn't true (the Black part) but sounds much cooler than saying "He's Back and He's A Middle-Aged White Guy!" Rev Jesse James would be proud.Well, I musta emptied enough moving boxes during the snowstorm this weekend, becuz Mother Bates let me get my Innernet connection up. No more 100-Acre Wood PCs for this puppy!Looks like you folks have been busy this week -- lotsa messages. By popular demand, I'm gonna shut up now until I read through this stack. Later.Anti-spam notice: drop the "7734" if you e-mail me (assuming it's up at this point).
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Daividh's back!!! Woo-hoo!!!You've been gone for YEARS! Don't ever do that again!And you never gave me your e-mail addy, so I don't know whatcha talkin' 'bout with the "7734" -- but if it were a telephone number, it'd be easy to remember coz it telephone-anagrams to "7-peg". :)-- Nanaea
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Found! The lost opening lyrics to Blur's "Song 2"!The "7734" (upside down and backwards, remember Nan, from your Satanic childhood?) is my feeble attempt to thwart the mouthbreathing spammers who gather up e-mail addresses verbatim to later post their get-rich-quick come-ons from their Dutch and German ISPs (why there?). Since posting my address without bogus insertions on a coupla British car sites I frequent, I've been buried in the crap and don't want additional!
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Clever! I think I'll try your trick, too! I wonder if I can get my Internet Service Provider to change my addy that way in order to thwart those damnable cookie bakers on the 'net? It's like a guessing-game these days, wondering which the heck website you might've visited that resulted in a ton of spam in your mailbox the next day.-- Nanaea
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D'uh! You did give me your e-mail addy. Heheh.-- Nanaea
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Welcome back to the hood, Homes:) I guess there is something in all of us that would make the good Reverend proud. Your newly discovered color, for one. Our fellow Caballero may not live in da hood, but she probably does wear a black hood when in action...and dont forget, I am DJ PriaposLooooves...and thats da triple truth Ruth!Trivia question: what movie inspired my concluding remark ?
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Uhh -- Akira Kurosawa's "Kagemusha"? (from whose subtitles comes the epithet "you mountain monkey!", a term I often hurl at our hyperactive kitten)
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Let us know of your kitty's name. We can do wonders tracing its previous incarnation in Imperial Japan. In the meantime, check out
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It's a half-grown mutt kitten with a great personality. We got it from friends when it was really small. My wife dubbed it Sophie, but nobody (even her) calls it anything but Baby Kitty (and probably still will when it's 15).Not much potential there for an Imperial Japanese heritage (altho "Kat"suyori was the bumbling son in "Kagemusha" that brought the entire army down...)
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An answer to the rhetorical question: "Quo ape has mice?"
could be its anagram, "Sophie Macaque".P.S. I thing an off-topic discussion of movies has been silently brewing for quite a while now, and is well in order!
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