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[Facts] Opions please
Son due in mid july.We have a few names we are thinking about.We would like some feed back..... Gabriel Austin (Gabe)...Blaise Austin...Austin Gage would be called (Gage) Austin is a 6 generation family name so it is a must to keep Thanks
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Timothy Austin.
Jeremy Austin
Sean AustinI like names that when you use the first letter of each of the name, it spells something. My daughters initials are LAW. Which I like, since I didn't want anyone to shorten the name, Lauren.
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Pitfalls exist. I went to grad school with a guy named Bruce A. Gerber (last five letters altered to protect the innocent).This was 1971. Most of us were semi-freaks, but ol' Bruce was a bit more formal. Of the whole group, he alone carried a briefcase, monogrammed in big block letters: BAG . We had lots of fun with that one behind his back.
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I got a laugh from that. Of course, I would hope that one would use caution when doing something like that.
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Gabriel Austin or Austin Gage is a fine choice.
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I like Austin Gage the best.
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I really like Gabriel Austin. I don't like Austin Gage at all. I never understood the point in nameing someone something just to call them by their middle name. I guess Gage Austin sounds worse, though.
Just my opinion. :)
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Thanks Sarahjeanne I agree Gage Austin sounds horrible thats why we put Austin first,hubby likes Gage. Im with you leaning toward Gabriel
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I agree, I dont like Gage at all. My husband wanted to name our son Butch. I was like umm NO, nice try though! I loved the name Caleb and he did to. But he still tried for Butch!! But my opion.... Gabriel Austin , Though Austin is a nice enough name to be his 1st name. Just whatever you do, dont let him win with Gage !!! LOL
Gia Nadine
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Butch??!! LOL I'm very glad you put your foot down with that one, Gia !! There is absolutely nothing appealing about that name. I can almost guarantee he wouldn't be gay, though! LOL:)
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lol yeah I think That would be the only plus about that name. I know I would have grandchildren from him. He tried again when I got pregnant the second time. But luckly this time it is a girl!! I wont even let him use it as a middle name!! But the funny thing is about Butch is that it is like a family name in his family! I am like yeah it stops with me...sorry!! His uncle and grandfathers name was Butch!! But he has 3 siblings they can carry on the tradition!Gia Nadine
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That comment was not suppose to be sexest or anything. Just some men have no taste when it comes to names. For example my husband!!! Davidh, palvos, mike c. No offense!!!Gia Nadine
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None taken. Of course, I sometimes push names like Django (which apparently nobody in the world likes but me), so you may have a point. : )
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I am not sure how that is pronouced, but it looks better then Butch! LOL But my husband knows I am obsessed with names so I get to name the kids. Though he does get an input. Like "oh honey that name is NICE" OR " HONEY WHAT ARE YOU ON?" LOL But I am glad you didnt offense to that comment!Gia Nadine
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What does T-Bell mean? Is it for Tinkerbell?? :)
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Just a nickname..Real name Tessa Ann Bell
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Gotcha. I like Tinkerbell. I have a tattoo of her on the small of my back. :)
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