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[Facts] Aylen? (Re: Mike C)
The site lists Aylen as meaning either "happiness" or "clear" in Mapuche, but I don't think that's correct.
This is a well respected Mapuche dictionary (International Journal of American Linguistics gave it a good review as of 2009): states aylen, as it is, mean 'ember' or, as a prefix 'to catch fire'.ayii-w-iin appears to be the closest thing to happiness, though a more accurate description might be something like 'has love', cause ayii is 'to love', and ayii-n is 'loved'. Another closely sounding/spelled word is aywin 'shadow'."Clear" doesn't appear to be anything close to aylen though. Pelo-le is 'to be bright/light/clear/visible', peloley is 'it is clear, it is visible, there is light'. There is no real word for 'clear', as in 'see through'. Clear is used in reference to visibility (as seen with pelo) and cleanliness. Cleanliness 'clarity', however, is lif, again nothing like aylen.Basically, I suppose it might be possibly Aylen came from ayii-w-iin, even though the word itself literally means 'ember'. Either way, I think the entry should be edited.
My PNL = Henry & Lara (main) / Caspian & Briar (GP) / James & Georgiana (top25)
Bottom: Randall & Memphis (main) / Dinadan & Melpomene (GP) / Owain & Itonia (top25)

This message was edited 5/8/2014, 2:31 PM

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