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[Games] Re: Game of Life
in reply to a message by estel
Generation One DH: Jared Matthew Gibson - wavy brown hair, hazel eyes
DW: Alice Jennifer [Moore] Gibson "AJ" - straight blonde hair, brown eyes
Jared and AJ met when she first started teaching at a local high school in Ashland, Oregon. He is a major history buff and has been every student's favorite teacher since he started working there five or so years ago. AJ teaches literature but doubles as the theatre teacher as well. They first crossed paths at a staff meeting two years ago when AJ first started working there. They became friends a short while after when Jared introduced himself and they both started geeking out over one of their favorite historical and class novels. AJ quickly became a favorite among the students as well. About nine months later, during the summer break, Mr. Gibson and Miss Moore started going out. When school started back up, students quickly discovered that their two favorite teachers were going out. They dated for about a year before getting married the summer after AJ's second year teaching. They returned to school as Mr. and Mrs. Gibson... though everyone still calls AJ Miss Moore and they're totally okay with that. Shortly after getting married, they took out a mortgage on a two story house, planning to expand their family sometime in the future. For now, though, they have turned several of the bedrooms into little places for themselves--a library, a history corner, a room full of antiques, and the like. In the meantime, they bought a hamster, naming him Hamlet, and he became their baby. A little over two years after they were married, Jared and AJ announced their first child was on the way. After they had their first ultrasound, they announced a twist in their story: they were expecting twins! It certainly came as a surprise to both Jared and AJ. Neither was expecting that. As far as they knew, neither had twins in their family. Not until then, anyway! A little under halfway through the school year, AJ went on maternity leave. Soon after that, she gave birth to her sons. DS/DS: Joshua Stephen Gibson "Josh" / Jason Wilmot Gibson - wavy brown hair, hazel eyes / wavy brown hair, hazel eyes - academic, highly intelligent / happy, highly joyful AJ didn't go back to work until the following school year due to the twins, but she did visit her students several times, bringing the boys along to visit. Josh and Jason gained celebrity status among the students quickly. Of course the children of the favorite teachers would become favorites! How could it honestly be any other way? But they were definitely glad to AJ back as a teacher. When she did return, everyone was always asking about the twins and AJ was glad to oblige with any (non-private) information they wanted to know. She would still bring them in at times, though not as frequently. AJ and Jared waited several years after the twins were born to add to their family. Both loved their jobs and neither wanted to quit to take care of their children. It wasn't until the boys were five that the Gibsons grew. At the end of the school year, AJ should have gone on maternity leave but chose to stay, due to the short amount of time left. A couple months into the summer break and just a few weeks before school was supposed to start up again, AJ gave birth to their daughter. DD: Felicity Gertrude Gibson - wavy brown hair, green eyes - athletic, highly active Josh and Jason adjusted well to having a younger sister. Josh was definitely the gentler of the two. Jason wanted to take her out to play the moment she came home. Felicity got spoiled by her brothers... as well as by her parents' students. Just as the boys had quickly risen to fame among the students, Felicity rose faster. By this point in time, AJ and Jared were both incredibly beloved, even more so than before, despite how impossible that seemed to be. As time went on, Jason and Felicity became best friends, despite the age difference and despite Josh's presence. Josh preferred to read while Jason and Felicity were much more active, running around outside and getting dirty. From day one, Felicity was the most active of the Gibsons. When she was three, she started dance classes and quickly became limber, graceful, and strong. About this time, AJ started to notice the same symptoms as she had experienced with her first two pregnancies. She and Jared hadn't been trying--they were quite pleased with their three beautiful children--and so she went to the doctor's by herself, just to make sure. She came home, bearing the news that Baby #4 was on the way. At this point in time, AJ decided that being a mom was more important to her than her job, so she resigned from her teaching position... though she did still promise to be a volunteer drama teacher/director. Opening night of the school play, AJ went into labor and had to be rushed to the hospital while her students prepared for the show. They left one of the seniors in charge. By the time the play was over, Jared called the senior in charge with the news. DS: Spencer Casey Gibson - wavy brown hair, hazel eyes - academic, highly intelligent When little baby Spencer came home, one of the first places he visited was the high school. All the students loved him but he wasn't much for all the attention. He preferred the safety of his home... and his brother Josh. AJ started noticing similarities in the two boys' personalities and knew that Josh had found his new favorite sibling. Josh would spend hours and hours reading to Spencer so by the time Spencer was three or four he was already reading. He was able to pass this down to his baby sibling. When Spencer was two, AJ got pregnant again. This time they had been planning to add another child. AJ felt it would be best for Spencer if he wasn't home with just himself. Besides... they were wanting to expand their little family again. Maybe add another girl if possible? Just in time for graduation, AJ gave birth. DS: Oliver Henry Gibson - wavy brown hair, brown eyes - glamourous, highly beautiful Oliver was a beautiful baby and adored the attention he received when Jared and AJ took him to the high school graduation ceremony. He was just as popular as the graduates! He grew up into a beautiful toddler... and then into a beautiful young man. He was just beautiful all around all the time. AJ and Jared had discussed continuing with their family but figured that they were big enough. Josh and Jason were already in school and thriving--Josh a little (or a "lottle") more than Jason. Felicity was a successful young athlete. Spencer was reading at several grades above his actual grade. Oliver was the perfect addition to their family. They didn't feel they needed to add anymore. But nature had different plans... Oliver was eight, Spencer was ten, Felicity was thirteen, Josh and Jason were eighteen and ready to graduate, and AJ had returned to teaching full time when she found out she was expecting--this time it really would be their last child... Or children. They were on their way to graduation when she went into labour with twin boys. It was almost as if Josh and Jason were being "replaced" as they went on their way into the world. DS/DS: Aaron Taylor Gibson / Anthony Evander Gibson "Tony" - straight blonde hair, brown eyes / wavy red hair, blue eyes - musical, highly creative / academic, highly intelligent Aaron and Tony were perfect additions to the Gibson family. True, Felicity never got a sister but she was more of a tomboy anyway. She loved her brothers and didn't really feel much of a need to have another girl in the house. Josh was a little disappointed that his brothers came the day of their graduation... he wouldn't get to watch them grow up! Jason didn't care as much. He was never much one for hands-on with the younger kids. Spencer is looking forward to spending time with his brothers, reading to them like Josh did with him. It makes him smile to think about. Oliver is just thrilled that he has two more brothers.
Generation Two - following Spencer DH: Spencer Casey Gibson - wavy brown hair, hazel eyes
DW: Maelys Rosaline [Howser] Gibson - curly black hair, blue eyes Spencer went off to college and studied psychology and started practicing as a therapist a few years back. He met Maelys, a research scientist at the local university, when they bumped into each other coincidentally at a coffee shop one day. Oddly enough, both were on a date with someone else. They became friends and stayed that way for several years. It wasn't until Spencer just reached thirty and Maelys was almost there that they started dating. Their dating went fast. One month, they were just dating. A month later, they were engaged. A couple months after that, they were married. Their first step after marriage was to find a home. After looking around a little bit they found the perfect town house and quickly moved in. Following the Gibson family tradition, they bought a rodent--this time they got a guinea pig-- soon after they got married. Maelys insisted on naming the guinea pig Ginny. Less than six months after their wedding, Maelys went into labour. At the time of their wedding she had been three months pregnant so this was a little early. When she gave birth, their sons were immediately rushed to the NICU. Fortunately, they made it, thanks to medical technology advances. Never have Maelys and Spencer been so grateful. DS/DS: Christopher Landon Gibson "Chris" / Samuel Carter Gibson "Sam" - curly black hair, blue eyes / curly black hair, hazel eyes - academic, highly intelligent / content, highly generous Chris and Sam grew up under the care of their Aunt Felicity, married and running a day care, while both parents worked. They were almost one and a half when Maelys became pregnant once again, though. With this pregnancy, she decided to take a little more time off to raise her boys, what with having three under three. Spencer and Maelys welcomed their youngest son the day before their anniversary. What a present that was! DS: David Morgan Gibson "Dave" - wavy brown hair, brown eyes - athletic, highly active Chris and Sam were both rather quiet children, more laid-back than hands-on. Dave, however, was the exact opposite. He was always the active child. When Chris and Sam wanted to watch a movie or read a book, Dave was begging them to go play outside with him. All he wanted was his older brothers to go do normal kid things with him, but they didn't really want to. Fortunately for him, there were some very nice neighbor kids nearby who welcomed him gladly into their little group of friends. He soon became the leader of the group, always being very much the dominant personality. Maelys had just gone back to work after a couple years off to raise the boys when she recognized the symptoms and discovered that she was once again expecting. She was hoping for a girl this time, what with having three boys. And, boy, did she get her wish! When she went in for her first ultrasound, it was discovered that she was pregnant with twin girls. It was one of the happiest days of Maelys' life (in addition, of course, to her wedding day, the birth of the twins, the birth of Dave, and several other special family occasions). Spencer was pretty thrilled, too. Twin daughters! What a day! Spencer woke up one night to a heavily breathing Maelys. When he asked what was wrong, she merely groaned about the girls. And he immediately knew. He flew into action and rushed her to the hospital. After a couple more hours in labour, the Gibson girls arrived. DD/DD: Jennifer Cateline Gibson "Jen" / Penelope Ursula Gibson "Penny" - wavy brown hair, blue eyes / wavy brown hair, hazel eyes - happy, highly joyful / glamours, highly beautiful Jen and Penny were inseparable. Jen was always a very bright, bouncy baby. Penny loved getting attention. As they grew, Jen kept her bubbly personality, always running around, making people smile and laugh. Penny started showing signs of the classic girly girl. She loved playing with her dolls and dressing up. Jen didn't mind that so much, but she just didn't enjoy it as much as Penny. Maelys decided to quit work altogether after the girls were born and Spencer agreed that maybe that was for the best at this point in time. Maelys loved her job but she felt like she needed to be there for her children. Spencer, as a working therapist, agreed that it would be for the good of their mental health to be raised by their mother rather than by someone else (no matter the relationship). So Maelys quit for good and became a full-time mom. Jen and Penny were nearing their fourth birthday when Maelys went into labour for the fourth time. They had planned this birth, planned it from the very beginning. Jen and Penny had reached three and Maelys and Spencer figured it was time to continue growing their family. They loved their five children but felt like they were incomplete. Soon after actively trying, Maelys conceived. As soon as possible, they discovered the gender of their baby. The doctor told them they were having a girl. Imagine their surprise when Maelys gave birth to a boy! DS: Sebastian Ryder Gibson "Seb" - curly black hair, hazel eyes - musical, highly creative As baby Seb grew, he became very interested in the arts. Any time he could, he would get into anything that he could paint or draw with. This included (but wasn't limited to): his mother's makeup, open jars of food, cups filled with any sort of liquid, etc. He often took crayons to the walls, keeping Maelys very busy scrubbing them clean. Penny would turn on music and Seb would join in the dancing, even before he could walk. He would even raise his tiny little baby voice to join in the song. He was a budding artist from day one. After Seb, Spencer suggested that maybe their family was complete. They had six children--twin boys, a singleton son, twin girls, and another singleton son. What else could they want? Maelys agreed after thinking about it a little bit. It felt right to leave it off with Seb. Nature seemed to have a bit of a different idea, though. Seb was one and a half when Maelys unexpectedly went into labour. Seb had only been six or so months when she conceived. This child was completely unplanned. They didn't even know they were expecting until she was already in labour! Talk about a surprise. DS: Adam Jared Gibson "AJ" - curly black hair, blue eyes - athletic, highly active Adam Jared Gibson was named after his grandparents--Spencer's dad was named Jared, Maely's dad was named Adam, Spencer's mom was nicknamed AJ (just as baby Adam was). AJ was always a very active child, looking around and taking in everything that he could all while kicking vivaciously. He was a little fighter. When he wanted something, he would fight his little body into a tizzy if he didn't get it. He was always very stubborn as a result. AJ was almost six when Maelys got pregnant again. She couldn't explain it to you, but she felt it was right to add another child and so she and Spencer conceived. It was another boy. (It appears that the Gibsons have troubles with daughters.) He had all the hand-me-downs from his older brothers and was the spoiled youngest sibling due to the rather large age difference. DS: Adrian Derek Gibson "Derek" - wavy brown hair, hazel eyes - musical, highly creative From an early age, Adrian insisted that he preferred his middle name, Derek, over his given name. This started when he was about four and he met a little girl named Adrienne. He started to think that his name was a girl's name and so insisted that they call him by his middle name. It ended up sticking, even long after that little girl had passed out of their lives.
Generation Three - following AJ DH: Adam Jared Gibson "AJ" - curly black hair, blue eyes
DW: Emily Rose [Green] Gibson "Em" - wavy red hair, hazel eyes Right after high school, AJ enlisted in the military. He was good at what he did and moved up fast. But before he left, he married his high school sweetheart, Emily, a sweet girl with a loud personality to match her flaming hair. When he left, she went off to school to study to become a teacher. Emily's passion was music and she wanted to pass that on to the younger generations. What better way than to become a music teacher, both at the high school in the town she settled down in and as a private tutor? While AJ was away, Emily found a house, a three-bedroom house to be exact. To keep her company she also bought a cat which she named Amelio. Why she chose that name, she could never explain. It was just the first name that came to her mind. She and Amelio were close. They spent a lot of time together while AJ was away. After awhile, AJ returned to his wife and the first thing they did was start a family before AJ had to leave again. When Emily went into labour, AJ was gone, but his brother Derek (the little sweetheart!) stayed with Emily throughout the whole ordeal. At this point in time, Derek's wife had already given birth once or twice so he knew what he was doing much better than AJ would have anyway. The thing that Emily didn't tell AJ was that they were expecting twin girls. Imagine his surprise when he found that out!DD/DD: Charlotte Bailey Gibson "Charlie" / Catherine Elena Gibson "Katie" - curly black hair, blue eyes / curly black hair, green eyes - happy, highly joyful / content, highly generous Charlie was always the happier of the two girls. Katie wasn't not happy, just rather more content than anything else. She could always see things straight whereas Charlie, if things went wrong, would nosedive into a pit of despair. Katie was the one who kept things straight when Charlie went into a fit. Charlie was always very passionate about everything. Katie was just passionate about a few meaningful things. It was another wait before more children were added. AJ came home and met the twins for the first time in person (they absolutely adored their dad) and the second thought in their minds was Let's make a baby! Though maybe that wasn't quite their actual intention. It did turn out to work pretty well for them, though. Emily got pregnant once again. This time when she went into labour, she had to do it alone. No one could come be with her. It was sad and hard, but she somehow made it through and gave birth to their third daughter. DD: Caroline Melisende Gibson "Cara" - curly black hair, gray eyes - athletic, highly active From day one, Cara was a little on the sicklier side. But that sure didn't stop her from being the active and rambunctious little girl she was! For the first year or so of her life, she was in and out of the hospital like nobody's business. By the time she was two, she had come down with pneumonia several times and almost died from it more than half of those times. And she still fought. She still pushed on. Everyone loved Cara and she loved everyone, too. The next time AJ came home, he and Emily had a nice talk about finishing off their little family... hopefully with a boy this time. Not long after he had returned to duty, Emily announced that she was pregnant. The thing she didn't tell him was that they were not having a boy. Despite how much she knew they both wanted a son, nature decided otherwise. The Gibson family "no girls" rule didn't seem to apply very well to them at all. DD: Alice Jessa Gibson "AJ" - curly black hair, hazel eyes - academic, highly intelligent Emily named their youngest daughter with the initials AJ so that she could go by the same nickname her father did. AJ was the exact opposite of Cara. AJ was always very healthy but she loved to sit and read or write or draw or even just think. Schooling and learning came in the blink of an eye for her. By the time she was three and a half she had already started reading. When she started kindergarten, she was reading at a first or second grade level. Academics were her thing.
Generation Four - following AJ DW: Alice Jessa [Gibson] Litz "AJ" - curly black hair, hazel eyes
DH: Nathanael Robert Litz "Nathan" - straight blonde hair, blue eyes AJ went into the sciences, becoming a research scientist like her Grandma Maelys. She quickly became one of the top researches in her field. Nathan was an entrepreneur, having started his own business. It, too, quickly rose and became quite popular among the locals. They met when AJ went into his business for some reason one day. They started up a friendship and quickly were dating. After a little more than a year, they were engaged. Six months after that, they were married. A month or so before their wedding, they moved into a condo together and started settling themselves in. AJ brought with her her husky mix breed named Sir William Pontmercy. She called him Ponty for short. Ponty bonded with Nathan quickly, much to AJ's relief. AJ and Nathan didn't decide to start a family until their fifth anniversary. They decided that things felt too quiet around the house. AJ informed her employers that she would be resigning in order to have a family and they offered her a part time job, which she gladly took. She didn't resign from her full time position until she knew for sure that she was expecting. Several months later, she was rushed to the hospital from her job due to being in labour. DS: Derek Logan Litz - curly black hair, hazel eyes - musical, highly creative AJ gave birth to her first child, a son. Nathan agreed to naming their son after her Uncle Derek, because he had been such a great help to her parents while her dad was on duty. He grew up interested in the arts, specifically the musical arts. When he was five, Nathan suggested that start him in piano lessons. By the time he was twelve, he had picked up the trumpet as well. During his high school years, he taught himself to play the guitar. His singing voice didn't turn out bad either. Derek was three when AJ went into labour the second time. AJ was sitting on the couch with him, reading, when it her water broke. She called Nathan and then had him call the babysitter, all while preparing to head to the hospital. Nathan arrived with their babysitter not far behind and then rushed AJ to the hospital. Several hours later, she gave birth. DD: Theresa Denise Litz - curly black hair, hazel eyes - glamours, highly beautiful Theresa was spoiled by her older brother. Derek would do anything for her and she grew to expect that. Fortunately, she was pretty easy to teach otherwise... though the selfish tendencies still permeated her every move. Theresa was very much a girly girl. Dolls and dress up were her two favorite things to do. When she was three, she got into AJ's makeup and tried to apply it to herself because she wanted to be pretty like her mommy. She learned to do her makeup by the time she was thirteen, mastering the art at age sixteen. Dance became her biggest hobby as time went on. Theresa was almost a year old when the Litz family received a surprise. AJ was expecting again! Nathan wasn't sure that he could handle having another child so soon after Theresa, but AJ reminded him that she was the one who would have to carry the child, that she was the one who would have to care for them, and he relented, apologizing for his inconsiderate comments. It was in the middle of the night, the night before her birthday, that AJ went into labour the third time. DS: Martin Jacob Litz "Marty" - curly red hair, hazel eyes - musical, highly creative Marty instantly bonded with Theresa. Maybe it's the close age gap, but they became best friends from day one. But he also bonded with his big brother. Marty grew up dancing and singing and making music. It was his life. He learned piano, just like Derek, but he also took dance classes, just like Theresa. AJ was a little hesitant but Nathan pointed out the good it would do for Marty, and after some thought, she agreed. Nathan and AJ made sure to keep things in check for the next couple of years. As much as they loved Marty, they really didn't need another surprise baby, especially not a year after Marty. They waited until Marty was four and entering preschool before they decided to get pregnant again. It didn't take long before AJ was announcing that they had number four on the way. It was in the evening one night, just after she had put the kids to bed, that AJ was rushed to the hospital for the fourth time. DD: Sarah Aimee Litz - straight blonde hair, hazel eyes - glamourous, highly beautiful Sarah Aimee followed in her sister's footsteps. Dress up, dolls, and dance for her! She was already in dance classes by the time she was three. With her big sister's tutelage, she was easily the best in her class. But that's because she had big sister there to help her learn everything with perfect precision. Sarah Aimee (she prefers to go by both names) grew up to be a beautiful little girl, just like sister. A couple years after Sarah Aimee, the Litzs finished off their family. It was during summer break that AJ went into labour with the last little addition to their happy family with another son. DS: Benedict Austin Litz "Ben" - straight blonde hair, brown eyes - happy, highly joyful Ben was a happy kid. He made everyone else around him happy, too. Things were good in the Litz family. Just like they liked it. “The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places.
But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now
mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
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