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[Facts] Announcement: comments
There are some changes to the name comments.1. The "up"/"down" vote total can be seen by all users, not just by those logged in. However, as before, only registered users can vote on comments.2. Voting now starts at 1 instead of 0. This includes an implicit up vote by the commenter for their own comment.3. You can cancel a previously cast vote by pressing the opposite direction. So, if you voted "up" and want to change your mind and vote "down", you will have to press the down arrow TWICE: once to cancel your up vote and again to vote down.
And some upcoming changes...4. Comments will be sorted from newest-first by default. There will be an option to sort by rating or oldest-first.5. Unmoderated comments will NOT be shown by default. There will be an option to show them. (Comments are usually moderated within a few days.)That's all!
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I LOVE that comments are moderated now, but I wonder what is considered acceptable and what isn't? There are a lot of comments that could be useful but could be considered racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-religion, etc. For example, are these two comments moderated differently and how:"I can't believe anyone would believe in God, much less name their child Jesus. I feel like this name is only used by ignorant fundie quacks." and"Jesus is too religious of a name for me to consider using. People will always associate it with Jesus Christ."Because I would view the first as anti-religion and moderated to be removed but I would see the second as a helpful yet considerate comment for someone who may be interested in using the name Jesus and could be swayed by that information.
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Actually comments have always been moderated. We are fairly liberal as to what gets through. Feel free to down-vote whatever you don't agree with.
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