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[Opinions] Bridget
Do you like the name Bridget?What comes to mind first, when you hear the name?How old would a Bridget be? Is it ready to come back?
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I don't care for the English form because it's a bit harsh to my ear. Nothing specific comes to mind when I hear it.I like many other forms of it:
Britta (I think this is short form in some languages)
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I respect it, but I don't like how it sounds.
I think of someone I knew. Her sister - much more fortunately in my opinion - was called Shannon.
Off the top of my head I guessed Bridget peaked in the late sixties. Apparently I'm wrong ... I grew up in California and a lot of names seemed to peak ten years early, there.
It's not ready to come back IMO. Maybe another form of the same name. Birdie has already exceeded Bridget in the US, this last year. (I like Birdie a lot less than Bridget and am fighting an urge to put it in "quotes")

This message was edited 6/29/2023, 8:10 PM

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Its ok, not horrid but wouldn't use.
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I like Bridget as a full name; nns like Biddy or Bridgy or Bridey do not impress. As far as I recall, I've only met one Bridget, maybe two, so I really can't generalise. I'd like to see more Bridget people: it's a strong, lively name.
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I love this name, and I always have; I think that Bridget sounds very melodic and spunky. What comes to mind is a courageous, strong girl when I think of the name Bridget. I don’t know how old a Bridget would be, since I don’t know many; but, I do know of one who’s 14 years old. It’s definitely ready for a comeback, and I’m surprised that it hasn’t gained much traction.
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I rather like Bridget.My personal association with the name is actually Kaley Cuoco's 8 Simple Rules character.I'm not sure if I associate it with timelessness, though I have encountered folks of a wide variety of ages with the name.Anyway, I'm not sure if I consider it "pretty," but I do quite like it.
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It's ok, the youngest I know is about 6.
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