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[Facts] *begins to form creatures*
Happy birthday Nephele!Behold these balloons in the colours of white and blue.
With only one hand I will form them into a greek flag flapping in the wind.
*balloon sounds fill the air*
Ta daa!
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Speaking of GreeceThen they did great last night in the european song contest.
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Balloon trick: Secret of MinosBehold! In my hands I hold two balloon creatures.
One creature in the shape of a bull and one in the shape of a lady!
I will now combine these two creatures and by doing so anew reveal what the secret of Minos was!
But before I can make this amazing trick I must ask for then outmost silence!
*Many a balloon sound is heard*Behold! The Minotaur!
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Balloon trick: Wonders of the WorldAnd you thought it could not get more impressive than The Minotaur!
Then I have anther trick which may truly set your minds soaring.
Many of you have probably heard about the seven wonders of the world, but few are able to name them I am sure!
But fear not for within minuts you will travel around the world with the speed of balloon animal and structure creation.
So hold tight,
for we will move with the speed
of balloonic light!*balloon sounds*
Behold The great Pyramid of Giza!
*more balloon sounds*
Behold The hanging gardens of Babylon!
*even more balloon sounds*
Behold The Statue of Zeus at Olympia!
*even more balloon sounds than the three previous times*
Behold The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus!
*almost too many balloon sounds*
Behold The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus!
*Actually too many balloon sounds*
Behold The Colossus of Rhodes!
*balloon sounds galore!*
Behold The Lighthouse of Alexandria!*Selwyn feels as if he sould rest his hands for a moment*
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Balloon trick: In Honour of NepheleThis trick is especially done in honour of Nephele, for as we know it is her birthday today!
The inpressive part of this trick lies not so much in the shape of the balloon creation as in the authenticity of the creation.
Behold while I fill these prima balloons with helium.
Not only can Helium make your voice sound like Mickey Mouse, but also does it make ballons float!
*fills several thousand balloons with helium*
And now I will combine these helium filled balloons so that they form a real sized spring cloud! I know you do not believe me but look and learn!
*balloons are combined and some explodes now and then*
Behold ye all!
Not only have I created a full size spring cloud
*the balloon creation begins to take off into the sky*
But also have I mounted a seat on top of it wherefrom
*Selwyn's voice begins to grow fainter as the balloons raises*
you can take good look at things from above
*Selwyn's voice is now almost out of hearing range*
and from above or from the moon one's problems often seem small and insignificant and thus easy to solve, that is if one has probems I mean and landing on the moon would as well secure that one would be remembered at least as the 4th of mankind who set foot on the moon
and since they left their mooncar up there one could go and take a ride and...
*luckily the balloon had at this point removed itself so much from earth that one could no longer hear the silly ramblings of Selwyn anylonger*
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*Wild Applause* clap!clap!clap!clap! :)
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Three *more* claps for Weslyn :) You da man :P
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