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[Facts] Maria
Maria is predominantly known as a name of biblical origin (Mary). I'd like to point out that a form of Maria -- Maira -- also appeared in Greek mythology.
Maira appears in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey as well as in the work of Pausanias. Maira is derived from the verb "marmairo", meaning "to shine, to sparkle". The name was given to the dog star (the Sparkler)and to Hecuba when she was turned into a bitch.
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Dog Star, eh? I'll have to remember that name "Maira" when I need to name a little bitch. :)Speaking of which... I'm supposed to be picking up another little red miniature pinscher (male, not bitch) tomorrow. How do you pronounce that Greek word for fire -- "Pyrho" -- again? Is it "peer-oh" or "pye-roh"?The dog already has a name -- "Rollie" -- but, it'll be good to have a cooler name on hand, just in case.-- Nanaea
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This side of the Aegean its pronounced PEE-roh. But I suspect PYE-roh may sound better in English ;)
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I was thinking of the pronunciation of the word "pyromaniac". Yes, I think that sounds better than "pee-ro", over here.Thanks! :)-- Nanaea
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