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Re: Twin names please!
And Jen, you DON'T want names that are anagrams of each other. Right? RIGHT? PLEASE? PLEASE??!!!Apres Anagramgenius, le deluge...
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She oughta be wanting anagrammed MAGICAL twin names! :)I've lately been enjoying *The Complete Book of Magical Names* by Phoenix McFarland, and I even found *your* name in there, Daividh! (Oooo, Daividh's maaaa-gic! Daividh's maaaaa-gic!)In the section titled "Names from Whence We Came", under "Celtic/Gaelic Boys" there's this entry:"Daibhidh (pronounced DA ee vee): Beloved"Substitute the "bh" for a "v", and you've got Daividh! Betcha didn't know you had a "magical name", Daividh. Phoenix McFarland sez so! :)-- Nanaea
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St. Kabalarius be my guide! An archaic Western Isles spelling spoken like some 'Strine bloke...hoo boy. No wonder Gaelic's a moribund language. Think I'll stick with the spelling and blue-collar pronunciation I was dealt.Does Phoenix comment on my magical capabilities, other than the known one of being able to disappear in a flash when it's time to split the check?
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meaning of monica
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