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A few pronounciations on a few Greek names
OK, so today, I came across a paper that had a lot of Greek and Roman goddess + god names on it, but a few of them, I thought were pronounced differently than the given pronunciation on the sheet. Can someone please tell me which way is correct for each, or something completely different? TIA!Thalia- I thought it was THALE-ya, but the paper says thah-LIE-ah.Euthalia- I thought it was yoo-THALE-ya, but since Thalia in the paper is pronounced that way, according to the paper, it would be something like yoo-thah-LIE-ah.Melpomene- I thought it was mel-poh-MEE-nee, but the paper says mel-PAW-mih-nee.So, TIA for any help! I would like the most accurate pronunciation on these!

A question that drives me hazy: Am I or the others crazy?-Albert Einstein

This message was edited 3/30/2009, 1:13 PM

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Well, I thought Thalia was THAH-lee-ah, and Euthalia was yu-THAH-lee-ah. I thought Melpomene was the same way you thought it was.
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In English, a lot of people would pronounce Thalia TAH-lee-uh or tuh-LEE-uh. I do not know if either are right.Melpomene would be like the paper said, I think. It would follow the pattern of other Greek names such as Penelope and Antigone.Ciao for now!
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Are you looking for the English pronunciations or the Greek?
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