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Re: Usage in Sweden
in reply to a message by Mia
I'm going to try to answer some of your questions. - Is Mia really different nickname from Maja or just a different spelling for the same sounds?They are very much considered different names. Mia is pronounced mee-a and Maja ma-ya. I'm sure most people don't even now that Maja is a nickname for Maria.-Has Mia replaced Maja is usage - is it considered more modern?
No. Maja is very popular right now so it would be wrong to say that it has replaced Mia. Mia is kind of dated, it has a bit of a 70's and 80's feel to it. Also, while a Maria might be called Mia, you would never call her Maja. Maja is really a name on its own.-Is Mia or Maja used based on where you live in Sweden?
I would say no.
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