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Re: Freddy
in reply to a message by SLM
Fredemund, Fredard, Fredred, Fredebald, Fredebold, Fredemar, Fredewulf. Fredeswidus, Fredeswind, Fredegund, Fredehelm, Frederinc etc.The standard form in OE is Frithu-, commonly Latinized on the Frankish model as Frede-, e.g. Fredegarius, Fredegardus, Fredegisus etc. They run to several pages in the Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonum. Similarly this prototheme (with it's dialect variants) runs to 11 pages in the Altdeutsches Namenbuch. if we count each variant of the same name only once, AND combine the masculine and feminine versions, there are still around 160 names beginning Frede-, and more than 360 ending in -fred (and that doesn't count Lombard names combining "fred" with a Latin element, or Vandal names combining "fred" with an Alan (a western Iranian language of the steppes) element).

This message was edited 12/20/2018, 5:19 AM

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