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How many to justify?
I had come across the name Saedra some months ago while perusing Healthcare worker databases and thought it was pretty and saved it in my personal name doc since it wasn't in this database. Today I was trying to search what else I could find on this name to almost no avail askde from a few name site entries with minimal info and maybe less than 10 individuals with this name total on various social media platforms. Is that enough to justify a submitted name submission, or nay? I'm not sure how I would even site a social media search in the notes tbh.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.
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As far as I know -- yes it is justified, as long as the profiles use their real names and not usernames. You can list the profile links in the Notes section.
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