making fantasy names that don't sound like real names
Is websites like these the best way to create truly original sci-fi or fantasy names that don't sound like real world names or languages?
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This site can help you since you can check if your made-up name collides with some known real-world name. For more in depth answers on how to make truly original fantasy names you can ask on the writers board here or consult one of these two stackexchanges: (Constructed languages, there is for instance this question with answers: ) or (World building, they have a tag names with 72n question at the time of this writing).
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thank you, can this discussion end please.
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Why are you always asking to end discussions? More people might enjoy discussing a topic, you get more potential answers and no one obliges to keep reading responses anyway.
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I ended this discussion because I already got the anwer I need it, but if you want to continue it.
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