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I know what you mean...
It's nice to hear that you know other Satanists, Phyllis. :)I know what you mean about how a lot of Muslims do NOT condone these crimes. I'm concerned for the people who own and operate my favorite Afghanistani restaurant on Long Island -- Kabul Restaurant in the town of Huntington. And then there's the Kabul Restaurant on West 54th St. in Manhattan. I've chatted with the young women employed there about the Taleban's religious fundamentalist control in Afghanistan, and they've told me how the Taleban is "crazy" over there in their treatment (enslavement, actually) of women.I would no sooner confuse these good people with the cowardly scum who destroyed the WTC, than I would have others confuse philosophical Satanists with devil-worshippers.Sorry if I'm dwelling too much on the whole thing. We're all still pretty numb here in New York, and talking helps I guess. Even though I'm on Long Island, we've been isolated because all the highways and bridges leading towards Manhattan (and off the island) were closed yesterday and early today. And the ferries were all booked up and on a strictly "first come, first served" basis. So Long Islanders have essentially been trapped on the island. It gives one a kind of claustrophobic feeling, knowing that there's no way off the island if there had been some kind of emergency. I wonder if the terrorists even realized how vulnerable the entire Long Island population has been these past couple of days?-- Nanaea
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As if the country didn't hate FL enough for not being able to vote!...we find out that the terrorists may have trained here in Florida!!Don't feel badly for dwelling on this matter. I couldn't imagine being trapped like that. They make being stranded on an island look so nice in the movies.My boyfriend and I tried to give blood yesterday, but the people at Florida Blood Service told us to come back tomorrow (today). They had so many people, even in little ol' Plant City trying to donate, they couldn't accomadate all of them in one day. Also, my favorite country station is out at the Buccaneer's Stadium and the Tropicana Field with Florida Blood Service "Blood Mobile" taking donations. Yesterday there was a four hour wait! The radio stations even said that there is usually an outpour of people trying to help give blood when a tragedy first happens, but then people stop after it's not front page news, say two weeks from now, and that's when they need blood, too. I've got an appointment for this afternoon to donate.
God Bless All Who've Helped
***ALSO: If you have an American flag-show it. We don't have one at out house and the Wal-Mart is sold out we're using red, white, and blue ribbon on our mailbox. And my toenails are painted red,white, and blue, too, since I always wear sandals. It makes me feel better, and maybe it will lift a few others' spirits.
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The country's gotta get over the Florida thing. You prove that there are cool people in Florida, 'Cole. :)
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