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And a little more
In my Italian name book I found a little more on ADRIANO:All about the meaning of the name – that originally indicated someone from that city – is uncertain, although many connect Hadria to Latin ater, atra, atrum, which can have various meanings depending on the case: “dark,” “dismal,” “gloomy,” “stormy.” So Adriano could be “one who is hard to get on with,” or else “he who bears misfortune”: in fact in ancient Rome the so-called “dies atri” were the “ill-fated or gloomy days.” (Marina Cepeda Fuentes and Stefano Cattabiani: Dizzionario dei nomi, Roma 1992)As Italian is not a language I really know at all, here is the original:
Quanto al signficato del nome – che inizialmente indicava chi era di quelle città – è incerto, sebbene molti colleghino Hadria al latino ater, atra, atrum che a vari significati secondo i casi: “oscuro”, “funesto”, “lugubre”, burrascoso”. Siccé Adriano potrebbe essere “colui difficile ad interdersi”, oppure “colui que porta sventura”: infatti nell’antica Roma i cosiddetti dies atri erano “i giorni malaugurati o funesti”.
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