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I am hoping for more defining information about the origins of my ancestral surname - TREGLIA. My ancestors of that name came from Alassio (160 yrs ago), but before that (up to 300 yrs ago)they may have come from southern central coastal Italy. There is even a town named Treglia. My limited understanding is that it may have something to do with the small fish - "triglia" - the red reef mullet that is common in the Mediterranean. Perhaps someone who is a fisherman, or sells fish or something. I'm also curious about the "glia" ending of many Italian surnames. What is the nature of that ending? Is it a regional feature? Does it have any special meaning?
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The "glia" (pr. LYEE-ah, not GLEE-ah) is simply a common sound in Italian, I think, but it might have something to do with a gender form. There is the masculine form, il, which becomes i in plural. The feminine form, la, becomes le and the third form, lo, becomes gli (lyee).Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the lights
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