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Comments for Nevaeh

For all the absolute morons with little conception of the English language, including its diversity. How do you pronounce names and words such as?:
Fae, Jae, Kae, Mae, Rae, Tae, Shae, Macrae, McCrae, aery, aero, aerie, tael, spae, brae, frae, faery, aedes, aerate, aerily, jaeger, maenad, sundae, reggae, aerobic, aerosol, aeroplane, diaeresis, etc.So, unless someone should fancy a different spelling, that is just as rationally within reason, Nevaeh is spelled and pronounced JUST FINE.Also, within English linguistics, ANY vowel can be pronounced as a short or long vowel, and an 'h' can be voiced or silent. The difference being that words must be spelled and pronounced as they're meant to be, whereas names have more leeway.Whether this beautiful name is pronounced Ne-VAY, Ne-VAY-eh, or Nee-VAY-eh, all are linguistically correct and, therefore, JUST FINE. However, NOT Nu-VAY or Nu-VAY-a, or any other pronounciation that will require a different spelling. It will change the meaning of the name, but if within reason, not its beauty.LASTLY, every name on the planet is "made up". Someone, somewhere, had to conceive it. It didn't just create itself with fairy dust. Unbelievable. 🙄
Nevaeh is PRETTY! I like Neveia better though. Otherwise, please be polite with your comments. Nevaeh Scarlett, Nevaeh Rose, Nevaeh Jane, Nevaeh Olivia, Nevaeh Marie, Nevaeh Olivia, and Nevaeh Charlotte could be great full names. Nevaeh is PRETTY!
It's not even ne-vay-a, it is technically spelled like ne-vay. I don't hate the name, but I would go with Neveah if you're not too attached to the heaven spelt backwards thing, because it would actually coincide with the pronunciation.
A lot of people getting up in arms over a NAME… chill….
Name her Natasha instead, spelled backward "ah satan" lol Nevaeh looks weird imo.
I think the name without the "heaven spelled backwards" thing is okay, but if you name a daughter this and she turns out to not be religious, then she will probably not like her name.
Why does every name have to have some super deep meaning to it? Who cares? All names were made up at some point. These comments are so beyond harsh. And my Lord the name certainly isn’t satanic! You people are crazy!
Its a boring name that has no real meaning.
"aeh" just doesn't feel right in English - correct me if I'm wrong, but i don't think that sequence appears in any other word or name in the language. "ay-eh" seems like a pretty thoughtless pronunciation for it too: the unadorned letter a is usually pronounced "ah," and if the e is what's adapting the sound, shouldn't the pronunciation be neh-vay with a redundant h? That e is being used twice in contradictory ways.
The spelling just doesn’t look right. But I still think this name is very over hated. I would never use it, but there are worse names out there.
It's just Heaven backwards.. IMO not that interesting.
This site is here so that we can judge names, regardless of whether it's your name or not. Sure, we are supposed to be kind, but not to the degree that it limits any negative opinions. Personally I don't even know how or why this name came to be and think it's really weird, but that might just be because I'm not an Anglophone.
Hey my name is Nevaeh and honestly these comments suck its literally not it at all, I'm not mean or a bad person or a stripper. I'm 16 and reading these comments is crazy. But YOU CAN HAVE AN OPINION but like; pure hate? That's crazy. Also my twin sister is named Heaven as well, we were miracle kids ig bc NOT TEENAGE KIDS but our 37 and 40 yr old parents who couldn't have babies had us so yea.
Ok, before you say "Oh this name isn't bad you should shut up!" You most likely dislike at lest ONE name. So please let us have opinions. I personally think this name is cheesy, no offence to any Nevaeh, it just looks wrong in my eyes and I don't like the "eh" at the end.
Tacky. I would say "immature," but I think it's more accurate to say that when I see this I think that the child's parents were actually very young when they had the child. It's hard to know how to pronounce because of the way it's spelled, so everyone I know just pronounces it like Nivea, the lotion company. They make decent products, but I'm not so fond of them to name a child after them.
I think Neveah is a pretty name- these people are just mean Karen’s.
All of these Nevaehs in the comments have to remember that this is a site about OPINIONS. No one cares how it makes you feel, people will share their opinions even if it makes you mad. I personally think the name sucks and is "kreatyve".
Very tacky and I much prefer Neve.
Cheap and cringey.
Hello my name is Nevaeh, I am not hurt by these comments but people stop judging my name and other Nevaeh's around the world. How would you like it if people started saying immature stuff about your name. People please just stop these mean comments. Nevaeh's are not what you keep saying they are. We are nice generous people who would do anything for their friends. To any Nevaeh's reading this do not pay attention to these rude comments you are amazing.
This is very tacky. I agree with all the others in saying that heaven is “better”. If your kid acts like hell (which this one heaven did), that is very paradoxical.
I'm sorry, but Nevaeh is a garbage, often-misspelled, and horribly-meaning invented name that believes it's unique by being "Heaven but backwards" without the parents realizing that thousands of girls are given the name. I have never seen anyone name their child Nevaeh out of genuine like for the name, only because it's "special" and "trendy." Making names backwards is literally the opposite of creativity and so is following trends just because. Doesn't help that the backwards/opposite of Heaven is Hell. Ah, Hell! What a beautiful name for an innocent baby girl! I feel bad for any girl that has this name: it shows the parents are unimaginative, lazy, and care more about following trends than being true to themselves and thinking about the future. A baby is not your brand extension or art project: it is a human being who will grow up as its own person, not your fashion accessory.If you want a "heavenly" name, stick with names like Angelina, Gabrielle, Michaela, Maria, Grace, or even just Heaven. Biblical names like Anna or Sarah or virtue names like Hope or Faith are perfectly fine! Some actually "heavenly" Biblical names that begin with "N" include: Naamah, Naomi, Noa, Natanya, Naarah, Nineveh, and Noadiah.
Who cares if it's modern, I think this name's very creative, so please ignore the comments below the next one...
Who cares if it's not a historic name, it sounds just gorgeous.
Very tacky. Just screams "my mother had me when she was a teenager".
Based on my experiences with little girls named Nevaeh, I never gotten a good impression.
This name makes my throat hurt by even saying it. It just doesn't look or sound right. It's ugly, nobody would want to have this name. Gross.
I understand that it's heaven backwards but it's not very lovely looking.
I think this is a good name as long as you change the spelling of it, maybe something like Neveah is good. Nevaeh just doesn't look pretty at all...
This is my name! I don't know how other people would pronounce it, but my family and I always pronounced it Nuh-vay-a. I hope this helps :D.
Why does it matter whether it's "mAdE uP" or not? I'm not a fan of the spelling but I understand why it's spelt like that, and I think that it sounds OK.
This is my older sister's middle name, I don't dislike it because it's heaven backwards and the opposite of heaven is hell, I just don't personally like it that much, but it does work well with my sister's first name (Angelina Nevaeh) it's an OK name it just wouldn't be my first pick.
Someone said, “IF your opinion is not nice, do NOT voice your opinion. It is UNFAIR and HURTFUL.” Freedom of speech is not censoring things you don’t like to hear. You’re on a website that has a section to voice opinions. Most things in life are unfair and you’re in control of avoiding the places that have “hurtful” opinions.With that being said, I don’t like Nevaeh or Heaven. They’re both stripper sounding names, and I’ve met terrible people with this name.
This feels even more uncanny due to the fact it has a vowels that don't even normally go together in English spelling rather than at least altering it to "Nevaia" or something that looks more natural.
Meh, it's fine. But there are much worse names out there.
Seems pretty off to spell Heaven backwards and then make it a name. Just use Heaven TBH, even tho I dislike it and this name.
Nevaeh really isn’t that bad of a name. It has an attractive and nice sound. A lot of you guys are really going above and beyond with the comments. I’m not even gonna pay the whole “Nevaeh is Satanic” thing any attention. Anyways, I am one of the people who doesn’t exactly like Nevaeh. It’s not because it’s ugly, it’s not because it’s tacky or lower-class, and definitely not because it’s “stripper” or a “porn star name”, which I find extremely disrespectful but I digress. It’s is simply because I think there are more beautiful names out there that are classic, usable, and even a little unusual and different. Lastly I don’t care for the “It’s heaven backwards!” thing. I find that extremely boring and cheesy and if I really liked the heaven aspect of the name so much I would’ve just used a name that means “heaven”. Such as Celia, or Celeste.
I may be a minority, but I love this name! I think it sounds so wonderful.
I only just heard about this name recently and hadn't realized until someone mentioned it that the name is Heaven spelled backward. I think the sound of the name itself is fine.
I don't get what's up with the hate. I think the name Nevaeh is perfect. I feel that Heaven and Nevaeh would make amazing twins. If your name is Nevaeh just know that you are awesome and don't let the haters get you down. You're perfect just like your name. You don't deserve all the hate. To all Nevaeh's out there, you are beautiful and great.
Hi. I'm Nevaeh Katja N_____ a 15-year-old from Egypt. I'd like to explain something that seems to need to be addressed. This name is not COMEDIC. This name is not UNINTELLECTUAL. This name is not STUPID.Now, I'm allowing people to have their own opinions, but you do NOT treat us like this; How would you like it if you were reading about your name on here, and saw people saying, "eww crappy name" or "has a bad meaning behind it don't name your kid this"? Think about that for a moment.It hurts me to see people saying bad things about this name. IF your opinion is not nice, do NOT voice your opinion. It is UNFAIR and HURTFUL.Why do people treat us like this, over our name? WE ARE NOT STRIPPERS OR P*** STARS BECAUSE OF OUR NAMES. WE HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS. WE ARE NO DIFFERENT FROM OTHER HUMANS.PS. A message to all the Nevaeh's out there: You're wonderful people. Don't let other's comments get you down. If you're struggling, just know, you can get through it!
I don't particularly like this name (the "aeh" at the end seems over-the-top to me and sounds like it should be spelled "eah" or just "ea" but then it would lose the meaning) but that's certainly not a good reason to call it a "trashy" and "made-up" name. All names were invented at some point in time (for example, Shakespeare invented the name "Jessica" and I don't see anyone calling that "trashy" or "made-up"). I personally know a girl named Nevaeh and she is actually quite nice, smart, and funny. I wouldn't give it to my (theoretical) child but go ahead and use it for your own if you are considering it. After all, it's only a name...
Nevaeh just feels so forced.
If you want your child to be named Heaven why not just name them Heaven instead of a name that looks like it should be pronounced nev-AH-ay? If you just like how Nevaeh sounds, why not spell it Neveah, which actually makes sense?
The protagonist of Color Me In by Natasha Díaz was named this.
I personally think Nevaeh is a beautiful name!
I don't see why people hate this name so much. It's such an amazing name!
Not a great name not a horrible name either, it's somewhere in the middle. I don't honestly like this name it just isn't my cup of tea. The pronunciation is hard. If you are choosing to name your child this I suggest picking another name, for example : Angel, Angelina, Celeste, Celestia, Coraline but it's up to you.
Why torture your kid with a name like this? I don’t understand why people like this name, it’s tacky, ugly and the spelling is stupid. I don’t see any beauty in this name, especially the “aeh” part. The mothers of Nevaehs are usually teen moms or rough people. I know someone who is seriously considering this name for her daughter, and the reason why she loves is because it’s heaven spelled backwards. If you must, maybe you could keep the name the same but change the spelling?
You could go for:
I love this name! I don't get all the hate around it. Anevaeh is cute too.
I think it's pretty, tbh. I don't understand the hate. I don't care that it's trendy. Wouldn't you rather a Nevaeh than a Kinsleighe or Kaelee? I also don't understand the hate because of no meaning. This name sounds light, pretty, and unique. Change isn't always a bad thing, the fact that it's modern doesn't matter at all.
The spelling doesn’t make much sense….
It's a pretty name.People are getting worked up about it being "heaven spelled backwards" but it has a nice sound and look to it and I am sure if people didn't realize where it came from they'd think it was a very old Hebrew name. It sort of reminds me of Hebrew names like Moriah and Neriah.And yes, heaven spelled backwards is Nevaeh but it isn't the opposite of heaven? It is just heaven spelled backwards just like god spelled backwards is dog. But the opposite of god is clearly not dog and neither is Nevaeh the opposite of heaven. Goodness.
Let others have opinions. My name is Caitlin and I see a lot of hate about the name Caitlin, but they're not personally talking trash about you.
Why name your kid this? I mean it’s not pretty and sounds made up.
To those of you who trash talked my real name, stop being insensitive. Especially you anonymous saying that the name is ugly and stupid. I hate people who think just because someone is different because of their name being different from most other names. No one is perfect. DON'T let these jerks bother you. You're unique and different and anyone who thinks of someone as white trash or ugly or anything else just because of the name you were given. You're you and that's what matters. Not your name. Not your looks, but your personality.
Decent name.
I don’t have a problem with it, I actually think it’s kinda pretty but the phonetics don’t make that much sense not to mention the backwards “heaven” thing is kind of ironic because that’s basically hell? (It’s a satanic thing, look it up.) So that’s kinda funny.
I don’t understand why some people like this name. The only reason why parents name their daughters Nevaeh is because it’s heaven spelled backwards. It even comes up red underneath when I type it (and so do some other names that are more unusual or made-up). It sounds ugly to me, especially the “aeh” part. Most mothers of Nevaehs (or ones considering the name) are usually teenagers or in their early 20s. Please don’t do this to your kid. Give them a sensible name.
This version is the best because it is actually heaven spelled backwards. I wouldn’t spell it any other way because then it’s not even heaven spelled backwards. I guess the name is okay though.
This isn't any better than Heaven. It doesn't sound and look good, either.
I guess I just don’t understand the appeal. Nevaeh doesn’t look pretty, and it sounds like a fantasy character a 13 year old would come up with. Honestly, the only reason I can see parents naming their child this is because it’s heaven spelt backwards, which is just dumb reasoning.
It's decent.
I think it’s trashy and immature. I also don’t like how it’s heaven spelt backwards.
Actually, this name is really boring, nothing interesting about it, just a boring name, immature, also not much class either. Boring!
I get that this is heaven spelled backwards, and it's trendy, but the spelling and pronunciation are not attractive.
My name is Nevaeh, I'm not satanic, or a P Star etc. I also want to say I am NOT hurt by any of your immature comments, but the fact so many people get on here and tag team one name just because "It isn't their cup of tea," is ridiculous. Why comment such mean things say that if a child bears this name their parents hate them. I got this name from my grandmother who died SAVING A CHILD, so if that name she bore made her a satanist then the devil sure had a nice side.
Okay so my name is “Nevaeh” and I would like to say that whoever believes that it’s an evil name, you can have that opinion. I’m not going to attack you for what you believe. But may I ask, why do people think that the name “Nevaeh” is an evil name? My name is Nevaeh and I can be kind to you. Just because my name is Nevaeh doesn’t mean I am going to manipulate you, steal from you, lie to you, backstab you, or make fun of you. (P.S it’s not the name that makes someone evil, it’s their actions)
Elegant and swoon worthy.
Not my cup of tea, but it isn't THAT bad. Seen worse.
My name is actually Nevaeh. I guess that means I'm automatically a bad person hey? Lol. But I kinda never understood how people can get so angry over a name. Like some people are acting like this name is physically hurting them! Chill :) It's okay to not like a name, but I don't think you have to full on rage about it. A name doesn't make anyone stupid. A name doesn't make anyone a p*** star. A name doesn't define a person! So please be kinder. Everybody is beautiful no matter what name they have!
I like this name. The only thing I don't like about it is the "ae" part in it, for some reason I just don't like it when names have ae in them.
I don’t have a problem with “made up” names as technically all names are made up - someone had to invent them at some point. But in my opinion taking a word like heaven, spelling it backwards and calling it a name is a step too far. Not keen.
I really like the sound of it but not the spelling. I still think it's really pretty!
Personally not a fan of this name.
God you people need to grow up. I don't normally even comment on this website that much, but the hate that this name gets is ridiculous. Of course there are going to be people out there who don't like this name, and I get that (I personally really like this name), but there is no need to get so mad about it. Just simply say something like "In my opinion I don't really like this name". It's as simple as that. Going full on rage about a name is completely unnecessary, and actually pretty hurtful. If your name is Nevaeh and you are reading this, spell your name backwards. There you go, you just spelled out the place you came from :)
Everyone says that Nevaeh is the opposite of heaven. Might as well name my child Lleh because it's the opposite of hell, right?
It's beautiful. ❤️ This sounds scandalous but I actually think it sounds intelligent and special.
Awful name! Awful spelling!
It sounds pretty but the spelling is terrible!
I love how it sounds! It's very pretty and cute. But the spelling... Oh dear. It's terrible. The only good part about it is that it's heaven spelled backwards. But it shouldn't be a proper spelling of the name even because of that. It looks so bad and wrong. I am sure lots of people would mispronounce it and get confused. It would be one of my favorite names if it wasn't for the ugly spelling. Thank you, bye.
It’s cool because it’s a backwards spelling of heaven.
Jeez, a lot of these comments are extremely uncalled for and toxic.
Yikes, these comments. A bit off topic, but I honestly find it kind of funny people like to be so mean about names. Like why? I understand it’s a name you’ll have for the rest of your life, but for crying out loud Nevaeh isn’t THAT bad of a name. A lot of these comments are honestly dumb, uncalled for, not to mention immature. I get it, not everybody is going to like a certain name, or name combo, and that’s understandable. But that’s what makes this site quite toxic sometimes be honest. There a name that YOU like, you may or may not care, but if you have a child, it would be pretty hurtful to see comments saying her name is ugly, tacky, juvenile, etc. (Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have children, and I don’t plan on having any.) It’s okay to not like a certain name, but a lot of the time it’s not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. Just say you don’t like the name and leave. Simple as that. Nevaeh is not a tacky, satanic, or ugly name. It’s definitely a lot better than other names I heard before. But most importantly, it’s not that deep.I mean seriously, people are angry about a name. Get a life.
TO ALL NEVAEHS OUT THERE: You are excellent. You are great. You are marvelous. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are unique. You are loved. You are smart. You are heard. You're a gift to those around you. I appreciate you. You have the best laugh. You have impeccable manners. You light up the room. You're like a ray of sunshine on a really dreary day. You are making a difference. You bring out the best in other people. You deserve a hug right now. You should be proud of yourself. You're more helpful than you realize. You have a great sense of humor. You are the most perfect you there is. Colors seem brighter when you're around. Our community is better because you're in it. You're a candle in the darkness. You could survive a Zombie apocalypse. You're someone's reason to smile. You're really something special. So thank you for being you.
Some of these comments are uncalled for and quite immature. Stop hating on this name.
The reason a lot of people hate this name is because of it's meaning; According to Laura Wattenberg of The Baby Name wizard (, meaning names like Heaven or Destiny often sound like too much for a child, and make people think of strippers. (You may not agree with this, but just look at names like Misty, once wildly popular). Add on to Nevaeh that it's hard to pronounce and weird looking (to me Neveah doesn't look anywhere near as bad), and you've got yourself a hateable name. This is in no way meant to insult anyone with this name. Sometimes these things just happen to names, and you have to deal with it. (e.g., Karen).
I have mixed feelings about the name Nevaeh. On the one hand it's a lovely name with a great meaning. On the other hand, I, for some reason, really don't like the name. This is not an insult to any bearers of it: I have known a lot of nice Nevaehs. However, I think it's fair to say that you shouldn't give your child this name, as so many people dislike it.
Not such a new name as many think. I often do ancestry research, and I've recently come across several entries for Nevaeh on those sites. There was one Nevaeh who lived from 1906-1991, and a few more from records that are from before the 1960s (the one in the '60s was a marriage record). Even though it has become a big hit lately, it has been around for a while.Also, please remember that even if this is not a name you would choose, it is someone's name. Please treat it with the respect you would expect for your own name, whatever it may be.
So firstly, can I just take a quick moment to say that, you people are being disrespectful. Let’s be honest, there are WAY worse name out there and Nevaeh is a decently nice name at most. I’m honestly quite surprised people hate this name so damn much.
This name shows nothing but ignorance of the parents. Don’t do this to your kid.
If your name is Nevaeh please don't listen to the hate! It's very pretty! People who are hating on this name are just jealous their name isn't near as good.
I honestly don't get what all the hate is about. It's a very pretty name! If you don't like the fact that it's a reversed word, then just ignore it. You don't have to like how it reverses to like the name. Again, it's very pretty and I like it.
Look, I'm just going to say this.
TO: All you Nevaeh's out there.
FROM: Aisha- You all have a gorgeous name. It's beautiful! Who the heck cares if it's made up? All names, words, places and things were made up at some point. - Don't let some online haters make you feel bad. Your name is lovely ❤️
- Nevaeh is not 'Satanic'. No name is, that I'm aware of.
You know what's Satanic? Making fun of and trashing this name online. You are beautiful! Inside and out.
Your parents are not 'stupid' for naming you Nevaeh. My friend is named Nevaeh. No. She is not illiterate. No. She is not a p*** star. She is wonderful, and so are you.
Your name does not define you! You have a gorgeous one, though. You can do anything. Anything!
Don't let haters make you feel bad. You have a great name, and be proud.
Could easily be interpreted as Satanic.
How many times does this have to be said?
Nevaeh is NOT a name. If you must burden a poor soul with this “Yo’neek” piece of trash, then at least have the decency to choose “Neve” instead (which is an actual name with an actual meaning, unlike Nevaeh).
Every child is beautiful no matter what name they’re given, BOTTOM LINE. Oh and every name is made up by some human at some point in time. Every word in our vocabulary has an origin. But they’re still made up from some ancient time. We have more made up dumbass words in the English language than ever in history. Come on, “Glamping”? Who the hell is responsible for that one? Another word I didn’t know until just last year you can laugh at me. It’s okay. I crack myself up all the time. I was born in 80’ everyone. I grew up the normal way. No internet to speak of. Things were so much simpler then. The name? I’ve only met 1 Neveah. And my opinion is biased but for personal reasons. And it’s a fresh wound. Like today. I didn’t know that it was Heaven spelled backwards. How would I, never heard it before. She’s a little girl whose mother, up until today, was my brother’s personal caregiver. My brother is disabled, born with Cerebral Palsy was king with me and my daughter when 2 yrs ago this woman coerced my brother into getting an apartment with her. He just left one day, and in those 2yrs I saw my brother a handful of times. And we found out just yesterday that they’ve been mentally and financially abusing him. I was right about her this entire time. She was isolating him from his family. Anyone capable of hurting someone who’s unable to care for or defend themselves is downright evil. This woman who named her daughter Heaven backwards is evil for what she did to my brother. When was young I a sleepover with small friends from church when I was a tween. We were talking about how some rock songs when played backwards have satanic chants. And back then it scared the crap out of me. (It was a church friend sleepover) Now I know it was silly. I love rock music. Then I associate it with the upside down cross which is a horrible horrible symbol of hatred and evil. I had to tell myself Stop I’m acting crazy. It’s because she hurt my brother band we finally got him out today. And I’m happy to say I googled the name Neveah and it means Heavenly. The balls on some of these comments. All of you bullies lashing out at something that doesn’t even remotely concern you whatsoever, putting a damper on someone else’s joy such as the birth of their child with the sole purpose of causing conflict, Feeling a little “less than” today are we? It’s called a therapist. You’re not even lashing out at anyone at all. It’s a friggin' search engine. You must be a narcissist. Peter Pan Syndrome? Or just a giant Dbag. You do not disrespect someone's child. Mama Bear protects her cubs. And to all of the proud Neveahs out there ain’t got time for your ignorance.
This is a cool name! I don’t care if it’s ‘made up’. It’s really pretty!
Okay I'm going to say this one time!, Listen for y'all people hating on a name like "Nevaeh" y'all are so RUDE and disrespectful! Nevaeh deserves popularity and to be a loved name because its a very AMAZING PRECIOUS GIRL NAME! Just because it's "heaven" spelt backwards don't mean a GODDAMN thing. It has a real meaning so get your facts straights before you say something bad. I honestly understand people got "opinions" but hating opinions is uncalled for like some of y'all people are just so freaking childish like if you really had something hurtful to say why say it? There is a thing called if you don't have anything nice or positive to say then why say it? There are wonderful people who actually name their kids this and they look at all these hurtful comments on this website. Well I don't care what none of y'all haters going to say because NEVAEH will forever be a wonderful name and that's PERIOD and some of y'all talking about it being a stripper name and made up? Y'all tried it? How the hell could it be a stripper name? NEVER that because that means any other names could be stripper names and that's facts! Y'all literally just do too much over one freaking name it doesn't deserve hate at all! LMAO at the end of the day all of y'all haters talking. Nevaeh will still be the best name ever! Just like any other name because if I have an future daughter I'm going to name her Nevaeh Mia! Or Nevaeh Faith or Nevaeh Joy! So I would ADVISE ALL OF THE HATERS TO STOP HATING ON THIS PRETTY NAME! I love this name so FREAKING MUCH! :)
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks this name is foul. It's even worse than "Madison". A name that will age very, very poorly. I know people like to try and be creative with naming their child, but spelling "Heaven" backwards is not exactly genius.
Never in my life have I been on this site and seen a name that gets so many comments. The amount of hate this name gets it uncalled for and rude, and just to clarify it's okay for people to have their opinion and to express their thoughts, but some arguments are so stupid. For example take the argument were it says 'Nevaeh ' is a made-up name. Vanessa is a made-up name and nobody complains. Another argument is Nevaeh is a (I won't say it...) Star name many other stars have YOUR name so that is an invalid argument. I just wrote this to clarify that the hate this name gets is ridiculous it's okay to not like a name but to call it made-up, white trash is ridiculous. Ps. Bubbles.
Means nothing. It’s simply heaven spelled backwards. No real meaning.
You know, I would just like to add a quick comment to this apparently never ending debate. I´m a thirteen year old girl named Nevaeh who just as it seems loves her name. I can respect the opinions of those around me but find it completely hypocritical & insane that people such as yourselves can find the time in the day to search the web of any possible way to trash a name.
To the many Nevaeh´s reading these comments, I have no doubt in my mind that you are beautiful from the inside out & I´d like to let you know that your name does not define you, you define yourself & will accomplish great things in life if only you put your mind to it!
Well, my husband wanted the name Nevaeh, I had to get used to the name but besides that she's a miracle from heaven.
Sorry, but this name looks and sounds unattractive to me. It also seems tacky to spell a word backwards and use it as a name.
I do not understand why this name is getting so much hate. I think it has a very pretty sound and isn’t stupid or ugly at all. I actually wouldn’t mind naming a child this. I like it because it’s rare, not immature, sounds very pretty and it isn’t too long. If anyone wants to name their kid this then go ahead. Don’t listen to the negative comments. I personally think this name is beautiful and it doesn’t deserve all the hate it’s getting.
My name is Nevaeh. I was not happy to come on this site to see my name hated. Every name is beautiful. Some people hate the name because it is heaven spelled backwards. I don't go to church but this is crazy. I was named this name because my father passed away 6 months before I was born. My mother thought it was the perfect name because of his death. My father did not like my name but I don't care. I hope you can support this name and not spread hate. I love my name and I think that it is beautiful.
Do I like the name Nevaeh? It's alright. Do I think it's kinda silly? Yeah. Do I also think it's really pretty and cool sounding? Yup. There are worse names out there than Nevaeh. This is a perfectly fine name. If anything, it's a lot better than Heaven. Of course, there are names that I like better with the same meaning that are similar sounding, like Nalani, Leilani, Nia, Neve, Niamh, etc., but Nevaeh is fine. A Nevaeh can go be Nia or Via, too, which are great nicknames. All in all, while I'm not that big a fan of this name, it really doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.
Some people can just be rude and a straight up insulting person. I named my daughter NEVAEH... NEVAEH SKYE TO be exact. It's pronounced nah-vay-auh. She's a special gift from heaven. to completely trash a name is immature and ridiculous. You don't need to go above and beyond with your ridiculous comments. Children do search their names. People don't think.
Any Nevaehs out there, your name is beautiful.
I am proud to say her name and it was inspired from the word heaven.
I'm 39 yrs old. And I wasn't a twenty year old naming her. It took a lot of research and I put a lot of thought into it.
Nevaeh isn't a name I would choose for my daughter but I am not against someone else naming their child Nevaeh. There is nothing wrong naming your child a different name. As long it's in the normal range.
Hi, I would like to address something...I am currently commenting anonymously but please hear me out.Nevaeh is an ugly name to some people or a beautiful name to others and that’s okay :) I’ve also noticed that this name is the only name probably that gets lots and LOTS AND I MEAN LOTS! Of comments (which is very surprising). But listen now I don’t think it’s okay to call a human being trashy, illiterate, dumb (as in somebody’s parents) Nevaeh is heaven spelled reverse and that’s it... it may have a meaning we don’t know but that’s it... So, listen I’m trying to make this sound as clear as can be I’m not being a hypocrite, a hater but listen. Nevaeh may be a name common upon teen moms but you can’t go calling it a “teen mom name” Oh, yeah!Yes and if your name is Nevaeh, just so you know your name is beautiful don’t let anybody bring you down!Oh yeah, One last thing.. I’m not saying you can’t hate because that would make me a Hypocrite and an ignorant person but I’m just saying I think it’s stuck up for you to say stuff like “Trashy teen mom name” or something like “ A good name for a mom under 20” or something like that (just something similar to what you people are saying) So just don’t say that stuff.
This name just looks clunky to me and is confusing to pronounce. The name Neveh is a (dare I say better and) unique alternative or, something like Neve paired with a quirky "H" middle name; Neve Hallelujah.
The amount of hate this name is getting is astounding. You don't have to like this name, but to say it's a trashy, ghetto, stripper name etc is uncalled for. I don't like it either, but damn.
I don't have an issue with people who love this name or are named this. But I honestly don't like this name at all.
I love it!
Hey people my name is Nevaeh and there is nothing bad about it. It is heaven spelled backwards. It is cool and fun to spell.
Love it.
I honsestly really like this name.
OH PLEASE! BE KINDER!This isn’t even my name, but I’m totally fine with it. Ninety five percent of you guys are complaining that there is no meaning behind Nevaeh. It means heaven! Why don’t you complain about Jalen instead, literally an invented name. In your defense you will say Jalen sounds and looks better... then don’t complain about the meaning in a rude way. Provide a kind and gracious opinion, negative or positive, but don’t blast a fine name! I know it’s not the best name but I’m just pointing this out to y’all.
This is my friend's name, but she pronounces it Nuh-VAY.
I wish people on this site would be kinder. Imagine being called Nevaeh (something you have absolutely no say in, especially if you're under 18), coming to this website to read what people think about your name and finding mountains of hate. I personally think this name sounds good. I didn't even know the meaning before finding it here, to me it doesn't look like a made-up name, but rather like a variation of the already established name "Neve", meaning "snow". Not to mention, getting pissed over a simple name is a waste of time and resources.
Okay, I’m going to say this once- Nevaeh is a name, it isn’t “trashy” or a "bad" name. The meaning of it is peace. It’s heaven spelled backwards and it is absolutely a beautiful name. I get compliments on my name all day everyday so y’all can complain if you want.
It’s not my favorite but I don’t think it’s trashy. I actually thought it was a biblical name when I saw it. It sort of is, considering it’s heaven spelled backwards. Not great, but a good name.
Hello, another Nevaeh' here. Alright, so I came upon this site and I easily got SO mad from the fact that these people are being SO rude about a simple name. I'm here to defend that this name is innocent. It's simply rude for calling a parent stupid because "Naming this child is simpleminded" just because they named their child Nevaeh. Any fellow Nevaeh's out there, hello. You're VERY intelligent. You're beautiful. You're... every good thing in the world out there (I can't think of synonyms lol). I'm here to defend the people with the name Nevaeh. And may I remind you, it's pronounced "Ne-vay-ah". Nevaeh is simply Heaven spelled backward. It doesn't mean Hell. And trust me, it has a meaning.
It hurts to see people say VERY discourteous and rude things. And to top it off, people's names are made up. EVERYONE'S names are made up. So I find that ironically, and hypocritically untrue. If you strongly agree with me, then I wouldn't mind if you give this a positive vote. But I'll be humble about it. So if you don't agree with me, then that's just fine. Hope you guys have a wonderful day.
The first time I heard this name I immediately thought the child was named after a favorite skin lotion. When it was finally explained to me that it was 'heaven' spelled backwards I thought it was an interesting concept but somewhat religious. Not knocking the name but I am just not a fan.
Hello, YES another Nevaeh here but an 11 year old Nevaeh that just saw this website and the comment that this name was trash. One thing I will say is sometimes people who use this name aren't a slut or a stripper... They actually want a different future. Like to play women's basketball and/or work at a fast food place. Not ALL people with the name of "Nevaeh" are like that.
Hello, another Nevaeh here. Just wanna say I personally like the name.
What I don’t understand is why it is so hard for some people to just mind their own business. I don’t know who told you that hating on something or someone makes you cool but it really doesn’t. It just gets annoying.
I remember having a sub and he just had to go out of his way to say that my name has no meaning and isn’t creative. He kept commenting on how annoying he found it that parents name their children this. Keep in mind I WAS IN FIRST GRADE. If you’re going to sit and bring a 7 year old down like that maybe you yourself need some self reflecting.
I can not think of a trashier name.
Personally, I love this name, but I do not spell it Neveah. I think it is better spelled Naveah. But that's my opinion. I'm definitely naming my future daughter Naveah Willow.
I love my name- it's pretty and I get compliments all the time, and everyone thinks I'm special or something and I don't deserve it but it's still such a cool name, right?!
I actually think this is pretty, but I would probably use it as a middle name, like Ella Nevaeh or Daniella Nevaeh.
Hello! It appears you’ve stumbled upon a girl named Nevaeh who isn’t a stripper or ghetto. Congratulations! Now, before I continue I’ll let you know that I’m 13, and actually know how to type grammatically correct sentences. With that being said, I have proven that girls named Nevaeh are capable of being intelligent human beings.First off, the name Nevaeh doesn’t have any meaning, so anyone saying it means Hell because it’s Heaven spelled backwards is incorrect. If hello is spelled backwards does it mean goodbye? If dawn is spelled backwards does it mean dusk? I didn’t think so. The name is simply spelled Heaven backwards and doesn’t have any actual meaning.Secondly, I understand that people may have different opinions on the name and I respect that, but bashing or discriminating against a parent or their child because of their name choice, or name is idiotic to me. Just because she’s named Nevaeh doesn’t mean that she’s a stripper or unintelligent. Would you really walk up to a child and tell her that she’ll be nothing in life just because her parents gave her a name that you didn’t agree with?Lastly, to any girl named Nevaeh, a name doesn’t define who you are. Anyone who thinks that it does is ignorant. Go be yourself and never let someone try to tell you who you are.
My name is Nevaeh and it only means belief and good luck.
1. People commenting the name is literally saying Na-vay-a. No, it isn't. The "aeh" ending is usually pronounced like "ay" or ah".
2. The nicknames Nev/Nevvy or Aya. I hate both those nicknames.
3. It sounds like a hippy/grunge name. Like a mom tried to be "uneeq" or "kre8ive". No. Naming your child an already tacky name spelled backwards does not make it less tacky. In fact, it makes it even more tacky, because it is obvious that you spelled it backwards. Heaven is an already tacky and extra name, but spelling it backwards makes it 3x tackier. And the whole "Heaven" theme is just so boring, mainstream and simply corny.
Overall I find this name ugly, tacky and over the top.
1, 5/10.
My name is also Nevaeh and I'm not ashamed of my name because all those haters out there can kiss my tail because I can love myself and my name more than I like everyone else. My mom loved what she named me since day one and she didn't want to change it because she thought it was special so I loved it too because I thought no one at my schools would have the same name and growing up no one picked on me and since I was NICE and GENEROUS I helped people who were getting picked on. I am proud to be called Nevaeh which everyone pronounces wrong (Ne-vay-ah) because my family loves it and seeing them happy to see me makes me smile. Happy Veteran's Day.
I think this name is beautiful. Just because it's 'heaven' backwards... that doesn't matter! Actually, it's sweet. I would name a character in a story Nevaeh. I also like the combination Nevaeh June.
In 2018, 3 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Nevaeh who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 969th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
I'm not the biggest fan of this name, but the hate it's getting is pretty overboard. A lot of people don't like this name because it doesn't have a real meaning, it's just Heaven backwards. But what about names like Jezebel and Lolita that actually have negative meanings and associations? Those names don't get anywhere near as much hate as Nevaeh does.
Hello, another Nevaeh here. I find it quite idiotic how people are calling this name a “porn star name” or a “made-up name”. Throughout my life of going to school not one person has bullied me about my name. Nevaeh is a beautiful name and I wear it proudly (don’t mind the trolls who say it’s “made up”). My parents named me this because they are Christians and they wanted something special, so I got this. However, please don’t ruin the name and make tacky spellings such as Naveah, Niveah or any other butt ugly spelling. I have learned to accept the phases I have gone through, I did get bullied but it had nothing to do with my name. Bullying is a thing every child has to go through and it’s the truth. When I used to be in second-grade I happened to meet another Nevaeh although it wasn’t pronounced the same way mine is.
My name is Nevaeh. It is a beautiful name. It means heaven. It is not trashy and unintelligent. I’m at the top of my class. My parents are not trash for naming me this!
My name is Nevaeh and I love my name! I don't want to be a porn star and my name isn't trashy! People have to stop hating on names and just deal with it that people name their child this. It's so sad to see so many people hating on my name and whoever else has it so if you don't like the name then you don't have to say the parents are bad or anything like that. It's also not hard to pronounce! NA-VAY-YA. The name Nevaeh doesn't mean Satan or hell but it means God's promise or heaven! Also, not just teenagers name their kids Nevaeh to hide the fact they shouldn't have gotten pregnant, so stop hating.
As an author, I keep my eyes and ears open for intriguing names to use for characters in my stories. Recently, we reconnected with a family we knew ten years ago. Their youngest daughter, who is seven years old, has the name Nevaeh. After our initial confusion on how to spell it, we rolled with it. [I'll be honest, I first thought it was Nivea, like the European face cleanser. My bad.]Nevaeh. A good name. A name worthy of anyone who wears it. Stand proud and proclaim it.
Here in Denmark, when naming your child you have to choose from a list of preapproved names or submit a name to the government for approval. Growing up I always questioned that rule, that was until terrible names like this became popular; now I think that rule should be applied worldwide.To any parent thinking of naming their kid Nevaeh: PLEASE step away from the computer for 24 hours, think about what you are about to do and FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY pick a different name. It may sound cute and innocent for a kid but when they're an adult, any employer would look at their CV for 2 seconds and throw it straight in the bin; Do you really want your kid being bullied and growing up with no future?Heaven (although not really a proper name) is a much better name than this, name your kid that instead.
Nevaeh is A NAME! And just because it doesn’t have heaps and heaps, heaps, heaps of history history, does NOT mean it is not a name. It's 2018! Someone coming up with idiotic meanings like it means hell. How could this name mean hell? If it’s heaven backwards.
To be honest I don’t know why people are still hating on this name. Just deal with the fact people are gonna name their child this.
LISTEN CAREFULLY (1) Everyone has a bad association with some names. For example Adolf is a real name and it has a bad association. (2) Why would you say a person's parents are trash just because they named a child a name you don’t like? I'm assuming you're ignorant. (3) I’m assuming you have a masters degree for telling people what not and what to name their child, like rude! (4) Na-Vay-ya. (5) It’s not meaningless, it literally means heaven, that’s its meaning. (6) Stop making up meanings like heaven sent, snow queen, and all types of horse and cow fat. YES some people won’t like this name but why go on this website and say nasty stuff about it? Are you getting paid for being a snot? And what do you mean you don’t know how to pronounce it? It LITERALLY SAYS NA-VAY-YA!
I love this name! It sounds nice and who cares if it's heaven backwards. I don't go around saying the meaning of my name to everyone. I don't understand why this name gets so much hate. There are so many trashy names out there and none get as much hate as this one. Some people need to get a life and not be so rude!
Ok, look my name is Nevaeh and I'm 13 years old. My name is beautiful and I LOVE it. No I don't want to be a porn star like... gross. Whoever has the name gives it meaning.
My name is Nevaeh and I personally don’t like it and honestly I might change it but others might like it. I don’t like the name because it makes ME cringe and there are too many people with it. It doesn’t mean it’s a name for a porn star or stripper. And the people with the name are probably really good students or workers.
On February 28, 2018 I gave birth to a 16 week fetus, my daughter, who is now in heaven. (I truly do not mean to offend anybody, this is solely my personal belief) I struggle with the loss of my daughter and I firmly believed she deserves a name and I wanted to give her one. I am very fond of unique and different names for my children and so she was not going to be any different when it came to naming her. But even though this precious little girl never got to breathe a single breath of air she taught me so very much and so I also wanted to choose carefully a name for her, something that represented who she is to me and what she taught me. I was well aware of Nevaeh being the word heaven spelled backwards and because of that definition alone I wanted to incorporate that into her name because no parent should ever have to bury their child. Children are supposed to bury their parents. However my little girl went to heaven before ever getting the chance to be on earth... And that to me is backwards so her middle name is Nevaeh... heaven spelled backwards. I just wanted to share what Nevaeh means to me and why I chose to incorporate it into my daughter's name, My Eliana Nevaeh Surrender.
I do not mean to offend anybody with this name, I'm sure you're a lovely person, but ew. I really don't like this name. It reminds me of sour cream and onion chips, and a stuck up rich girl who owns a sports car. Please do not name your child this!
I'm 10 and Nevaeh is my name. I think although this name is rare but popular doesn't mean it's bad. I would rather have a unique name and not a common name like Jessica or Amy etc. And if it's heaven backwards means it's more likely to mean HEAVEN AND HOLY and not hell or Satan.
Opposites, by and large, do not transcribe correctly unless you happen to have the knowledge of what you are saying. Heaven, generally, is believed in by most cultures regardless of whether they call it by that name. So the opposite of Heaven is no Heaven at all. Many cultures do not believe Hell exists, therefore, you have either Hell or no Hell.Thus, Nevaeh cannot be construed as the opposite of Heaven nor a kindred spirit of Hell.
My name is Nevaeh, I'm 12 years old and I love my name. The only thing I don't like is that people never know how to spell it and never know how to say it. But I live in Massachusetts.
This is my niece's name and I love it because I love her. A name is what you make it. She is a beautiful, smart, talented, witty, funny girl who brightens up the room. Believe me, no hell is involved. Who cares if people mispronounce it? She has an even harder last name to pronounce, but she should be proud of both because they are hers and her parents loved her so much they named her after heaven. Seems like a special name to me. Besides, every name was made up at some point, was it not?
So, my name IS Nevaeh, I'm 12. I love having this name! I go to a HUGE middle school, and there is only one or two more people in the school that have it. I am okay with people not pronouncing it right the first time, because it makes me feel different, in a good way. I also think that it is very beautiful, I love that it spells heaveN backwards. I do kinda think that it could mean Hell, because it is heaven backwards. Also, knowing how to spell my name taught me how to spell the word heaven, lol. I also like it when people say, "Hey, you know your name is Heaven backwards, right?", or they give me nicknames like heaveNly and such. Also, my crush said this to me once, "Hey Nevaeh, Did you fall from Heaven? Cause you look like it. And your name says Heaven backwards. "
I LOVE the name Nevaeh.
Egh! Seriously, who thought this was the same idea? Little Nevaeh McKengie with her brothers Brody and Aiden grow up and try to get jobs. Meanwhile, Edna Thomas and her brothers Frederick and Claude also try to get the same jobs. Who's going to get hired, the people who make the employer think of 1990s-2010s college culture or the ones that make them think of working during the Depression?Plus, why would you want your child to be the opposite of heaven anyway, which you're essentially doing if you name her this? (Consider the names Prudence and Chastity.) I mean, at least it's completely meaningless. Imagine if it had a meaning that echoed its spelling.
I just don't like this name. You would be better off with the name "Heaven" -opposite of Heaven is hell so that's one reason. The second reason is because I just don't like how it sounds. And it was named the worst name for a girl on a few lists I found online.
My name is Nevaeh and I love it. It is pronounced NE-VAY-UH. I have been a violinist for going on 8 years now. I am also going to school to become a lawyer. I get a lot of complements on my name and everyone thinks that it is beautiful. Everyone has their own opinions and mine is that my name is amazing and I would never change it. So can everyone please stop the hate on the name Nevaeh and realize that everyone has their own opinions on what they would like to name their child.
I'm not really a big fan of it, but the way it sounds is nice. Mostly the v, but you could still use something like Valerie...
I know many people hate this name, but I like it. I think it sounds very pretty. I'm not religious, and "heaven spelled backwards" means nothing to me.
I'll echo everyone's sentiment: terrible, ugly, unsophisticated, bogan name!
Listen, my name's Nevaeh and I like the name. Those who say it means hell cause it's a word spelled backwards so it should be the word's meaning backwards, so what. And it's not a porn name- so what if a porn star has that name it doesn't matter, those who have that name give it meaning. Also it means Dawn of light and it is beautiful. The name is amazing.
I actually think it's a pretty name.
I honestly don't care what people say about the name. But have you thought about kids with this name and how they would feel if you hated their name? They would think you hate them. A name doesn't need to have meaning, a person makes it a name. I am named Nevaeh and I have gone years with people not pronouncing it right or spelling it right. My mom named me it without knowing what it is "famous for". I have never met another Nevaeh and I was a few years old when it became popular. Most think it is a pretty or wonderful name. My whole name represents something: my first is yes, heaven backwards. And heaven is in the sky. My middle name is another name for sun. And last represents the water. Which I thought as a little kid was amazing and I was more connected with the earth and life sense my name represented. I have many nicknames. But a kid can't chose their name, their name is given to them. And they have to like it. And it also is believed to be based off the Irish name Niamh, which is from Ireland and means radiant or bright.
Personally, I've never liked this name. Never once and not one bit. It seems so fake and forced to me (probably because of the fact that it IS a made up name) and never in a million years would I name a child Nevaeh. If I was a foreigner looking at this name for the first time, I'd most likely be baffled over the pronunciation. I'm an American and even I had trouble pronouncing it when I first saw it. Please, please, please, if you're thinking about naming your child this: please reconsider. They'll thank you one day.
I have mixed feelings on the name Nevaeh. When I first heard this name I thought it sounded quite pretty, but when I saw it written down I had no idea it was pronounced Ne-vay-a. The spelling is awkward and I would never use it because of all the hate it gets with the whole heaven spelled backwards thing being "trashy" and it's too common/trendy to me. Also it reminds me of Nivia lotion. I disagree that it's the worst name ever as I can think of worse.
I feel the need to share why I named my daughter Nevaeh Hope in early 1999. My reason is going to sounds silly and boring, as this is what I was told when I was called to be interviewed about the beginning of this name back in 2004. I was told that this was the fastest growing female name, and my Nevaeh was the oldest. I was shocked as I didn't know that anyone else had this name except the musician that was on MTV cribs (as I received many calls when that aired). Anyways, I got the name simply from spelling Heaven backwards when I was 10. I used to love V.C. Andrews books, and I read the book she wrote that is called, "Heaven" and it is about a girl named Heaven. I was a young girl and liked to write names all over my books (you know how girls do this) and I wrote the name Heaven from the book but didn't want people to see it and think I was being weird so I spelled it backwards thinking I was being tricky (no one would figure out my secret code :)) I did pronounce this, Na-Vay-ah and I loved it. I named my "2-liter pop-bottle baby" this name in junior high when we had to take that class. And I just always knew that I would have a daughter and name her Nevaeh. And so when I got pregnant in 1998 and found out it was girl, there was no argument on the name. My family and friends all knew this would be her name. My now 17 year old daughter, Nevaeh Hope, is a wonderful, spirit filled blessing. She does wonderful in all her classes (top of her class) and we are now preparing for college. I don't care if others like or don't like the name. This is the name of my daughter and I believe her to be a piece of heaven on earth, and quite a blessing to me as every child is to their parents.
If you're looking for a "beautiful" name that has meaning when spelled backwards, particularly given that your presence here means that you must be a fan of "behind the name", may I suggest that instead of Nevaeh, you go with "Lana"?
To each their own on their opinion of a name. However, the argument that a name is trashy because it spells another word backwards is silly. By this standard, names like Dennis, Liam, May, Margaret, Enid, Damon, and Harris are trashy. Ok, I admit it. I love anadromes. Kramer, Elbert, Delia, Tessa, Marc...
There's a lot of mixed opinions on this name here, so here's mine; I don't like this name because:
A) It has no meaning
B) The spelling is awkward
C) The pronunciation is hard to tell
Even though I don't like the name Nevaeh, I think that the heaven spelled backwards thing is sweet, although some people think that gives the name a reverse meaning... In my opinion I don't think anyone with this name, or parents who have named their child this should be called "white trash" or "uneducated" as people shouldn't be judged on their name, that isn't right. Sorry if I have offended anyone.
My name is Nevaeh. I have been trying to find out what my name means for awhile but now I don't think it really matters. I get compliments on my name a lot. Sure not everyone can spell or pronounce it right but that does not make it a bad name. You are entitled to your opinion, but saying it's a trashy name because a pornstar is named that doesn't mean it is. You do realize there are murderers named Emily and drug addicts named Sara, does that mean Emily and Sara are bad names too? If so, then why are so many females named that? So it really is an asinine comment to make. I find it humorous that you would go through the struggle to look up the name and try so hard to find bad things about it, just to create some drama. Name your kid whatever you want, if you don't like the name Nevaeh, good for you. But if you do, that is wonderful and I would definitely name my child Nevaeh too.
This name is ridiculous! It doesn't mean anything apart from heaven backwards! It's like calling your child lufituaeb (beautiful backwards) - I'm sure it'll only be a few years before Lufituaeb is a name... plus Nevaeh is really hard to pronounce.
I agree with the person who said people who pick this name are teenagers or immature adults. It's a word spelled backwards. The epitome of sophistication I tell ya.
It's quite an ugly name, no way around that. Plus, while I'm not picky about where names come from, even I have to admit that "heaven spelled backwards" is a rather stupid idea for a name. It gets even stupider when people spell it Neveah or Naveah or whatever, because then you don't even have the "heaven spelled backwards" excuse as to why you gave your daughter such an ugly name. I prefer the slightly similar but much better sounding Nova.
Yes it has a meaning, but no one knows the meaning. Also, it shouldn't matter about what the meaning is, it's a name in this world that has nothing to do with you or your opinions. Everyone that I've met has said it was unique and a beautiful name.
I encountered this name for the first time in a file I was working on yesterday. Decided to check it out on here to see what history it had.If I had a reaction to the name, honestly I've got to say it was dwarfed by the reaction I had to the comments. Putting aside the religious relevance of the name itself, I was surprised how many people - with the whole of human knowledge and experience at their fingertips via the Internet - actually subscribe to the notion that writing a name backwards reverses its meaning (that's quite aside from the idea that this is a scripturally supported concept: nowhere in the Christian holy text does it say that reversing the word 'Heaven' brings or represents 'Hell').But by far the most amazing thing for me is that the same assertions, arguments, rebuttals and objections have rolled on, repeatedly, since 2005.OVER TEN YEARS.I have my feelings about this name. Others here have expressed the same feelings, over and over again. Is there anything more anyone could really offer at this point?
This name is so cool on Sonny Sandoval's daughter! Then it got ruined by other people using it.
Some pronunciations of this name are pretty, but the fact that it's "Heaven" spelled backwards just makes it feel trashy. And when I first saw this name, I thought it was pronounced NE-vay. It's so confusing.
This is probably the most hated name on this site, considering all the negative comments. I happen to hate this name too. It just doesn't sound like a name that would look professional on an adult, and it's not a good sign when it appears a lot as the names of babies on those trashy tabloid talk shows with the paternity tests.
My name is Nevaeh. I think it is beautiful. Although it's my name I love it and everyone I've met has liked it. Yes, it might look weird and be hard to pronounce, but that does not make it a dumb name.
It sounds alright until you find out about the heaven thing.
Most of the people who actually like this name tend to be teenagers and immature young adults.
I love this name and to hear people associate it as trashy and evil is mind boggling. All names have been made up at one point or another and to trash this name because you don't know how it's pronounced or it having no meaning is ignorant. The meanings of all the older names were made up as well.
First, I am going to say that no, I don't like this name. This has nothing to do with the meaning, it just sounds weird to me.This name is getting way too much hate. Where does any name come from other than being made up? A few names come from words, but weren't those words made up? Some names come from defined name elements, but weren't those name elements made up? If you're going to hate a name for being made up, just remember that all names were 'just made up' once. Every name has bad associations, but just because someone has a name, that doesn't mean they have the bad associations. Not every Barbara is an old lady. Not every Madison is a shallow popular girl. And no, not every Nevaeh is a porn star.
This name screams uneducated teen-mom.
My name is Nevaeh. This is honestly offensive. I am not from hell. I love everyone, and my name is beautiful. I'm sorry if you feel otherwise. My mother us not white trash. This hurt my feelings quite a bit. I'm sorry that you feel my name is so terrible.
The name itself gains too much hate for me to want my child to have it and that is really sad because (and I am mentally preparing for the hate that will bombard me with this) I actually think that it's a beautiful name. Not because of its meaning, if we all nitpicked the meaning of our names then we would all realise that every single name out there is made up, it's just that over time meaning has been given to them for various reasons, in a couple hundred years Neveah will probably be an old classic (horrified gasp). I like it because of its sound, it's such a lyrical and (for lack of a better word) pretty sound, it kind of reminds me of a peaceful river. There you go, a new meaning!
It's not absolutely horrible. I certainly don't like it, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Since I don't believe in heaven, this name doesn't really have any significance to me or my life. It would kind of be like naming a kid Unicorn, or Nrocinu. It's not the worst name ever, however I would probably not recommend using it.
This name has white trash written all over it. Most women who use this name on their daughters are trashy teen mothers who think they're trying to be all cutesy, when in actuality they're being trashy and low-class.
I like it! It's BtN, so the comments aren't shocking. Etymology is pretty important here. I think it's pretty, but I don't like the "-eh" ending in the spelling. I don't think it's trashy or tacky, I think it's a cute idea.
Not my taste but I'm amazed at all the negativity surrounding this name. Seeing as this name is currently in the top 100 names in the U.S. and New Zealand, there will be a lot of Nevaeh's old enough to read this stuff soon enough and who knows but one or many of them will grow up to do something incredible for the world. Personally, while I'd likely never use it myself, I think it sounds pretty, and much prefer Nevaeh to Heaven or Heavenly... or say, something like Goddess. The person who said this name is the work of Satan, um, really? I don't get the logic of "It's Heaven spelled backwards, which is, um, Hell?" either. That logic would mean that Lleh would be okay as a name because hey it since it is Hell backwards it must mean Heaven. Btw, I wouldn't have realized it was Heaven spelled backwards were it not for boards like this one so it doesn't bother me when people explain it at all. Sure it may not be as unique as they thought it was, but come on. There are much worse things in the world to be concerned about than what has become a pretty popular and therefore extremely well-liked name. I'd be far more concerned about parents who are naming their child something like Adolf Hitler.
My name is Nevaeh and I don't get why people don't like the name Nevaeh. People say that we should be named something more common but personally I think it's nice to be named something different and unique. Also it's not that hard to say "n-vay-uh.
My name is Nevaeh. I can't help it, my dad said he loves the name and said it was not him or my mum that had heard of the name, it was his best friend. Now I am starting to love my name. My dad said he named me Nevaeh because he wanted it to be unique and unlike the other names. He has a plain name and he wanted me to have a unique one.
Definitely a terrible name, and pretty much epitomizes corny. Its popularity in America absolutely baffles me, especially because the name didn't even exist until 15 years ago. It sounds terrible on anyone past the age of five.
I named my daughter Nevaeh it's a beautiful name. I heard the name when I was helping teach a class at church and her name was Nevaeh. I decided if I ever had a baby I would name her that. I don't care if it has no special meaning. Ya sure, people spell it wrong and pronounce it wrong, but the beauty of my daughter's name is I love her and her name and that's what matters. People have no right to judge other people based on the name they choose for their kids. Only God has the right to judge.
Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backward ,we all know that & I think it's kinda cute, but I always wondered why they pronounce it Ne-va-ya If the A comes before the E in the Name N-E-V-A-E-H. It should be spelled Ne-Vay. I named my Daughter "Zahara Samarley" ZAHARA means "to shine brightness" I wouldn't change her name for anything because to me her name is beautiful, strong & unique. If I'm blessed with another daughter one day she will be named "Zaveah Sanari" ZAVEAH means "firm defender". So if you love the name Nevaeh go for it... But it is pronounced Ne-Vay not Ve-Va-Ya.
Nevaeh is heaven backwards! Opposite of heaven! Think before you name your children please! Really very simple association.
I actually like this name, but it's become too common, I think. I really like the sound of it, though, and the meaning of it.
MY honest, personal opinions on the name Nevaeh:1. It can be easily misspelled, but people that know it's Heaven spelled backwards can easily just mentally write it, which a lot of people do since it's getting pretty popular.2. I heard this once on a kid from an episode of Teen Mom, so that association kind of sticks to me. Again, I doubt many people will think of that. I hate people hearing a name once and always mentioning how they think of it, as it happens a lot with my terrible name Gabby, but I suppose sometimes this is just the way it is in life with our silly brains.3. It has a nice flow to it.4. A lot of people dislike it, but a good amount of people must appreciate it for it to even be on the popularity charts. People like to bash this name like it's a piñata or something. I get it, you might not be fond of it, okay, just say that if you must. No need to literally get ANGRY over someone being named this (they can't help it) or someone choosing this name. If anything, take it out on the persons that chose the name, not the one who bears it, and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives unless they decide to change it when they're older.5. I've never heard of this as a stripper name until recently reading comments, but it can be viewed as tacky.6. It's more feminine than a lot of other 'trendy' names out there, if that's your thing. Would be nicely paired with a more classical yet not too girly middle name to balance it out a bit. Say, Margaret?7. Overall, this is definitely not my favorite name. It doesn't help that many really appear to despise/hate, yes they're that extreme, but also that it wasn't the best to begin with. When I first heard it I thought it was quirky and unique, but then I realized it really wasn't that uncommon & did kind of sound 'trashy' in the eyes of many. BUT, I won't judge a name (100% at least) by what others think of it. If everyone hated my favorite name, I'd say good, bye, see you, still like it, still choosing it, nice input and all, but yeah.8. For the meaning of the name, (is there NOT a meaning according to these comments?) I'd just guess it's Heaven if there's no 'official' one. You could easily switch a name's meaning with another one. A MEANING doesn't make a name special. A name is just sounds - that's what a name is. Not some fake meaning that Vikings gave them 1,000 years ago. If you like a name solely based on its meaning, good for you.Like someone else pointed out, whoever has the name will create its meaning by their choices, actions, etc. They'll make their own meaning, like any other name. Meanings are made up anyhow. It doesn't really mean that much. ALL names were made up at some point or another. We need change sometimes. Modern names will be created, classical names combined, and boy names into girls and vice versa. That's just the way it is. Change. Change. Evolving. Okay?Calm down. Be grateful that you have the freedom to choose a name ~~~ Get something better to do than to bring others down for theirs! And moms (to-be), if you love this name, if it's special to you, I say don't let others stop you or you might regret it. GO FOR IT! :) (But I'd suggest like others have mentioned, don't change the spelling since the whole point of this name is that it's the sweet 'Heaven' spelled backwards. You can if you want, but it's hard enough for people to write it out already... Just saying. ^^Hope this helped. All opinions are my own, with statements thrown in. *** And I agree, this name totally doesn't mean hell. Seriously? No one, obviously, would ever name their kids this if it was. It's HEAVEN spelled backwards. It means heaven or heaven related. -___- *And I'm also sure there's PLENTY of porn stars with my name given how popular it is at the moment. That's not the worst possible thing. You don't know them, and some people need to make some money one way or another.Also, and this is the LAST addition, do you really want to listen to someone who's watched pornographic films decide what your baby's names should be? (Because as far as I'm concerned, that's the only way they'd know that MULTIPLE porn stars' names were Nevaeh?)?
I REALLY don't like this name. It's pretty tacky. However, I do think some comments are going a bit overboard.
I'm not going to enter the debate, but I will say one thing: you can't change the spelling of this name. You can't. Naveah, Neveah, and Naveah are not okay. The entire significance of this name rests upon the spelling and if you change that, then it's just a random collection of letters with no cohesion. The pronunciation of this name is sketchy anyways, so if you take away the reason for it to be spelled in such a difficult-to-pronounce-from-reading-it-way, then it's truly just pointless.
My child's name happens to be Nevaeh. I think the name is gorgeous. I think the name is very unique, just like her. I don't think that it means stripper or ghetto or anything like that. Only people with negative minds would think of some stupidness like that.
Well my name is Nevaeh. I'm the first Nevaeh in the world. It is a beautiful name and if you think it is stupid something is wrong with your brain.
I don't particularly like this name - the whole "heaven spelled backwards" thing strikes me as a little contrived and gimmicky, and I have a feeling the name itself is going to prove to be a fairly short-lived fad in the long run - but people saying things like "naming your baby Nevaeh cheapens the baby's life" and "naming your daughter Nevaeh just tells everyone you're trash" are way over the top.
The tackiest name you could bestow upon your child. Completely made up with no history whatsoever.
Sorry, but it's just horrible! Worst name ever!
Listen to yourselves!
You're saying Nevaeh is a trashy name. But I'm pretty sure your names are common with meanings and look at how you're acting.. plain TRASHY! Just because a little girls' name is Nevaeh, doesn't mean she'll be trashy or a porn star or evil. Imagine how many pornstars and devil worshippers have YOUR name. Does that automatically make YOU one? I think the name Nevaeh is BEAUTIFUL for its originality. I'm disgusted at how people think these days. Innocent babies sent from god are given these names... why do YOU have to be so IGNORANT, UGLY, and TRASHY? LOOK IN THE MIRROR before you speak down on anyone because last time I checked ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE!
To all the people who have made ugly comments regarding the name "Nevaeh," let me just say:
My granddaughter's name is Nevaeh, she was born in 2002 and my daughter-in-law had not heard the name before, so yes, she thought she was being original (maybe she was the first), I don't know. Nevaeh is a gorgeous 12 year old, tall and thin with the face of an angel. For the people complaining about the backwards spelling of heaven being dark or evil, that's funny because the Catholic priest who christened her thought that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard. For the people who say it's stupid and she has no future, guess what, she is going into the 7th grade at an advanced technology and science college prep academy and maintains honor roll every semester. When she graduates, she will be able to go to any college of her choosing with full scholarships. She wants to be a petroleum engineer. And, by the way, she loves her name and is a little upset that it has become so popular, because she wanted to remain unique. Who's ignorant?
One last thing: If you MUST have this kind of name, I suggest you manoeuvre on to the Arabic pronunciation Nuh-VA-ya (نوايا ) to get an actual REAL meaning (it means "intention") and spell it Navaiya (it's best to avoid the spelling Navaya as it could lead to pronunciation confusion and constant correcting because some may mistakingly say the common pronunciation neh-VAY-uh; this spelling can possibly draw a strong familiarity to Nevaeh, so a person will presume like how the majority seem to agree neh-VAY-uh would be the standard pronunciation of Nevaeh). I think the Arabic meaning and pronunciation is quite nice whereas NEVEAH has no single, exact & correct pronunciation (I found out people have different opinions on how they want this name to be said aloud, some say neh-VAY-uh, some say Neh-VA-yuh) and it has no meaning (sorry, but "Heaven spelt backwards" is NOT a meaning, it's just a description about how it was created). So use Navaiya instead! I really hope if you're tempted to use Nevaeh you listen to what I've said and have the common sense to spell if Navaiya or perhaps even, use a COMPLETELY different name (either method being done for the sake of your daughter's future).
I don't like this name. I have traditional taste in names, so that's pretty much an obvious reaction from me. I don't like that people try to assign random meanings to it (butterfly, snow (possibly confusing it with Nívea, which does mean snow), beautiful, angel, etc.) It means "heaven backwards". That's it. Meanings like "heaven, heavenly, heaven-sent, and heaven's gift" are all okay with me, because they tie back into the heaven concept, but random ones like "precious" are not. That being said, if this is really what you want to call your daughter, go for it. It's not my kid, and I can't stop you. Just give them a normal middle name, like the Rose one woman gave her Nevaeh, or Marie or Beatrice or SOMETHING so that if this name gets them negative attention (which I'm sure it will), they have something to fall back on. As for pronunciation, I would pronounce it "Neh-vay-uh", which I think sounds ugly. "nee-va" is pretty to me, but not a logical pronunciation for this name for most people, so you'd be constantly correcting, and I know from experience that that's irritating.
Okay, I wanna add how I do NOT like this "name". It's tacky and unclassy; I feel sorry for all the poor mites who are called this...
The Arabic word نوايا sounds kind of similar to neh-VAY-uh (though it's technically pronounced Nuh-VAA-yaa) and it means "intention". I know the second letter "و" has a "w" sound but the Arabic, Persian and Urdu language can also translate this letter with the equivalent of the English letter "v". (:
Sort of a name only a small minded person would use. I hope poor babies that are named this use a nice nick name.
I am looking forward to naming my soon to be born daughter Naveah. I love the idea of the Heaven spelled backwards but personally prefer the alternate spelling for my daughter. I will not base my opinion on a trend, a porn star an anti-heaven opinion or a rude comment that should be taken off this board anyway as it is not a way to treat or speak to other people. Such a lack of respect towards your fellow man, and to be honest I would not want any association with people who behave or speak of others choices in this manner. You become who you hang around with. Wow. Which is why I don't usually comment or make my decision based on google opinions. But this I couldn't help myself. It seems to be where all the negative people who just want to bring other people down to lift themselves up seem to hang out. So I will be gone after this post. Anyway.. I love the name because I think it is beautiful and really encourage you to name your child what feels right to you. This feels right to me and I am sticking to it. The way I pick a name is not by what society has deemed normal or acceptable or necessarily because of history. I pick it because I like it and it feels right to say it for my little one. I think it makes a beautiful and poetic adult name and I love the nickname Vea. If you don't like it.. don't pick it. Period!
And I am very Christian but did not pick this name because of the meaning people have given it. I picked it because I liked it. Your name does not make you who you are. It is a beautiful way to identify yourself... but your attitude and your heart makes you who you are in gods eyes. Remember that:)
Prayers for those who do not see what they are doing by feeding negativity into others hearts.
I had no idea this name existed, let alone that it is the 39th most popular girls' name in the US. (Then again I've four Sophia's at the most in my life, and that is apparently the most popular girls' name in the US.). Nevaeh looks and sounds like a cool name, though I don't think I personally will use it. Oddly, I think I prefer the name Heaven (though that's likely because the two Heaven's I know are extremely nice people).
I don't know where this person's cousin got the idea that this is an Icelandic name meaning anything whatsoever. It is not Icelandic, means nothing in Icelandic and it would actually be illegal to name an Icelandic child this since it is not on the list of approved names. Check the mannanafnaskrá, these are the names beginning with N that you can call a baby girl:
Go ahead, name your child Nevaeh. You can plaster a billboard to their head that says "I have no future" too, while you're at it.
Nevaeh? What kind of name is that? Name your kid Heaven for crying out loud!
As an Atheist, I find this name really hilarious. But hey, don't let anyone tell you what not to name your child. If you like the name use it, and ignore the negative comments!
This is a beautiful name. Several of the arguments against it make very little sense and can be easily proved wrong.
For example, there is an argument that states that the name Nevaeh is meaningless because it is newly made up. This is a foolish thing to say because according to, the name Anthony is "of unknown meaning". However, the name Anthony is old and has always been extremely popular. How come no one wants to fuss about Anthony being an illegitimate name? Also, very few names nowadays have relevant meanings. Most names ending in -son mean "son of so and so" and are used for girls. So you're all trying to tell me that every girl named Addison is a son of someone named Adam? That doesn't even make sense.
Another common argument is that Nevaeh is difficult to pronounce. However, there's only one accepted pronunciation of Nevaeh and that's nuh-VAY-uh. That's it. Nothing complicated.
Also, many people are saying that the name is dumb because they've never met anybody named Nevaeh. Well if the name was never on the top 1000 until the year 2000, why would you expect for there to be someone your age with his name? I was born in 1997 and even I don't know anyone my age with this name.
And then there's my favorite argument, that Nevaeh is a porn star name. I have no idea where this argument even came from. Many exotic dancers and people with similar occupations choose names ending in -anna which is a popular trend right now. So everyone named Brianna and Adrianna and Alanna is a porn star? Every Arianna you know likes to take her clothes off for money? It's the same with Nevaeh. Not every Nevaeh is going to hurl her panties at every guy she sees.
I personally think it's a beautiful name. While it is unusual, it is pretty enough to be used regularly.
WAIT A SECOND!It's heaven spelt backwards...
So it must the the reverse (opposite) meaning of heaven...
This ugly name has no meaning at all. Give your child a REAL name that has a meaning, not a name that is a reversed word.
In my own opinion, Nevaeh is a beautiful name. It sounds lovely and is unique. Spelling a name backwards is not the opposite of that name. It is merely the reversed spelling of Heaven, basically meaning that Nevaeh is another name meaning Heavenly. My name is Hannah. It is boring and common, and I hear it everywhere I go. I hate my name. If any of you want to spare your children pain, don't give them a boring, ridiculously common name. Nevaeh is beautiful. I probably wouldn't use it on a child, just because I already have so many names, but it would be great for one of my novels.
I don't get how this name is popular. Heaven spelled backwards does not make a name. It is so ugly and juvenile.
I'm sorry but this is an awful name! It sounds nice, but the fact that its heaven spelled backwards ruins it.
What a cheap tacky moniker! Aren't there enough names in existence already? Why name a child this when there are so many underused beauties to choose from?
And to those people who say "all names were made up at some point" - not really, they evolved from meaningful language, they have etymology.
I can't even spell this without thinking about how to spell Heaven! It was cool when Sandoval did it, but it was not supposed to be a trend! He did it so his daughter could have a unique name! Not so everyone could use it! P.S. Hate to break it to ya, but it doesn't have a meaning.
I can't wait till people name their kids:v
Aihpos (sophia) (Oh, It was too common!)
Gnisselb (blessing)
Eituc (cutie)
Xam (max) (not too bad)
Yoj (joy)
Evol (love. Or evil)
Aivilo (olivia)
Aciremav (america)
Aciremav (america).
Nevaeh is is also found in ancient alchemist Triangle Book by the count of St. Germain to be "the secret word to enter paradise." I think people who watch enough pornography to remember a pornstar's stage name sound a lot trashier than "heaven spelled backward." I just read that the first celebrity to name his daughter Nevaeh was Sonny Sandoval from the Christian band POD, and he sounds much more intelligent and sophisticated then the anonymous trash slinging commentators on this page.I was searching for a name that meant "miracle" for my husband and I to conceive after we were told that we couldn't. The only name I found was Hebrew Nesia meaning "Miracle of God." I can only imagine what negative comments I would hear from a name like that, "sounds like nausea", and a nasal cleanse also shares the same name, a name that actually meant something. I LIKE the way Nevaeh sounds, and so do other people I've talked to. All the petty comments here will mean nothing if a parent tells their child, "WE named you Nevaeh because you ARE a gift from heaven."
IMO, not a very good name. The twins could be Legna & Nevaeh...
Beautiful name, I don't understand why idiots are comparing the name to a porn star or pole dancer, clearly you have nothing better to do than watch porn. Get a life you sad individuals.
This name is a real burden for any little girl to bear. If this was my name as a child I'd change it the minute I turned 18. I honestly can't think of a worse name. Please parents, think about giving your child a name that they can grow into not just some trendy name that *you* like. You are not the one that has to live with it.
I think this name is trashy, overused, and childish. Please choose something else.
My daughter's name is Nevaeh Rose. I didn't want to name her that at ALL at first. I thought it sounded stupid (the Nevaeh part at least). No one that hears her name out in public questions it much. If they do, I tell them her father named her, and that yes, to him it is "Heaven spelled backwards". But to me now, it is my Heaven, and if you wanna twist it, saying, "Oh, it means the opposite of heaven now that you put it backwards" yes, my daughter can be my hell at times from how she behaves at times. (As for the African roots and name your child Zulu, or the whole trashy thing, I've met more WHITE little girls named Nevaeh or some variation of it than I have of any other race)
I myself have college education behind me, and I was raised to have respect for myself. My real name is Angela, I prefer to go by Angie, now let me think. HOW MANY STRIPPERS ARE NAMED ANGELA, ANGIE, STACY, TRACY, JULIA, JULIE, JENNY, JENNIFER, JAMIE, ETC ETC ETC!?
I like to think that my fiancee and myself are not trashy people, we both were raised to treat our elders with respect, to hold open doors for the elderly, for pregnant women and children, hell for anyone in general. To offer our seat on a crowded bus to the above mentioned people. To use our manners at all times, and to never belittle people for their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, race and or religion... And we're raising THIS lil Nevaeh, this lil piece of Heaven on earth to be that type of person... Think before you judge... If your son brought home a girl named Nevaeh that he met while living in another town and told you he was going to marry her, would you still judge her based on that name alone? Or would you give her a chance to prove herself a decent person and that she was raised by the morals and values that EVERYONE in this world wishes to raise their children to live up to and to be?How cruel and childish you all are to degrade and belittle a pure and innocent soul and being, a child, God's MOST PURE creation, until jaded and jealous and grudging adults get ahold of them and taint and pollute them with their own agendas and try to shape and mold and conform those children to their own sick twisted thoughts and hates... Humans make me and mine ashamed to be of the human race, and make me sort of wish that I had said no to Nevaeh, and named her instead Artemis Nightingale...
Whether it be "heaven" backwards or not, if you're going to give your daughter (or son, who knows) a Christian name, give her something like Elizabeth, Sarah, or Hannah. I know way too many Nevaehs these days, and it's just a terrible name...
Well since 2000 when my boy from POD named his little girl Nevaeh there has been a buzz. I have a buddy that says if you are doing something right, people will either sue you, complain about you, or sign a petition about you. The devil and "people" in general can't stand it when good is happening. I guess we are doing something right then. For all of the non Christians who are complaining about this name, at least you have a good reason. Ignorance! I will be praying for you. As for those that are Christians... there is no excuse. Christianity has always been a faith based religion that exploits its maker and his location of residence... HEAVEN. The symbolism behind our daughter's name "Nevaeh" is that of complete faith. She was not supposed to make it into this world and she has beaten all of the odds that the doctors put out there. My God is a God of healing power and guess where he lives... HEAVEN. This is the most fitting name that my wife and I could think of. Why you ask? So each time someone asks about the name we can give glory to our heavenly father, whom allowed us to have a beautiful little girl. She is a miracle and YEP... I will exploit heaven because of it. So for all of you "so called Christians" who are complaining about this name. You need to get in the word and really study on what we are supposed to do here on this earth. We are to exploit heaven and our maker so that a difference can be made in the lives of others. No, I am not saying my daughter will become a profit or some sort of spiritual leader, but we will give her the best direction that we know how. She has 2.5 months before she is born and come hell or high water, Nevaeh's mother and I will exploit our maker and the place called heaven, where we plan on living for eternity. We are so thankful that our daughter has overcome so many obstacles and as parents, we would be remiss to not shout it as often as we possibly could. If anyone has a negative opinion about the name we have chosen, first take a look at our motivation and if you still are not convinced... well just keep it to yourself because it does not matter anyway. Anyone can run their mouth without thinking. Before you run yours, study a little bit and maybe you will learn how to be a better witness for YOUR maker. God Bless...
Anyone else find themselves spelling Heaven to figure out how to spell Nevaeh? As someone who has come across babies named Nevaeh, I can say it's pretty accurate that the mothers of Nevaehs are:
A. Trashy
B. Teenagers
C. All of the above.
"Neveah is a whole lot better than what celebrities name their kids!" -- Anonymous User 2/7/2012
Hollywood celebrities aren't a high enough standard to aspire to, in my opinion."I'm sick of people trying to get compliments on their 'wonderful naming style' and 'traditionalism' by saying they dislike this name [...] It's fine to dislike a name, but honestly, why waste your time hating it? // I [...] just wanted to tell everyone I am actually FINE with the name Nevaeh and I think parents should be able to name their daughters Nevaeh without being ridiculed for it." -- LittleSamGirl 8/4/2011
To each his or her own. But I honestly don't understand how bashing a name amounts to fishing for compliments.
Also, names have a pretty pragmatic use: they're meant to identify people within a certain community. But just as there are words belonging to certain registers of language that carry connotations that are secondary to their true meanings, certain names belong to a non-mainstream "register", and because they're not mainstream, they're not accepted. The ideal you've expressed is a noble one (if a little airy), but there will always be other people (unless you're a hermit), and as long as society remains as we know it, there will always be mockery directed at those with names that sound unwieldy. Hoping to aid in avoidance of the latter is why the mainstream bothers to give feedback. Thus far the consensus seems to be that "Nevaeh" is too far an outlier to be accepted into the mainstream, so if I were more liberal, I would say that now would not be the time to name one's child this.
(I remember posting another comment on this name earlier on; that was my personal stand at the time, and it has not changed.)
While I don't care for this name, I'm surprised at the reactions this name has received and why some tell others not to name their child this. (Whatever) I'm an open minded person and can understand that all names had to have had some place of origin to begin with. I doubt that people in 500 a.d. had a baby naming book to flip through. Some of my favorite names have meanings such as "God's promise," or "hollow brook," or "substitution," or "shoe," or "crooked nose," or "all-encompassing." Maybe you can already see where I'm going with this. Imagine if somebody named their son "God's promise" or their daughter "universal" today. I doubt that people would receive names like that very well, regardless of how the name was received "back in the day" when they were first created. Names were once just words (or sentences) from various languages until people made them into "names." Meanings, history, various translations, etc. gave worth to names as people nurtured all this over time, allowing for names to become more than just a word. It seems, to me, that Neveah is just an example of this. Nevertheless, I still don't like the name Neveah or others like Precious, Star, Sparkle. But Neveah is a whole lot better than what celebrities name their kids! O.o.
I wouldn't expect this name to have one easy pronunciation. It's not like any familiar English words, is it?
But here's why most say nuh-VAY-uh:
Ignore the fact there's an "ae" in there and look at it this way: ne/va/eh.
The "ne" makes a "nuh" sound.
The "va" makes a "VAY" sound.
And the "eh" makes an "uh" sound.As for the name itself, I think it'd be easier just to name her Heaven, so ignorant people don't assume you're some form of sub-human trash. Look, I don't LIKE this name, but I understand that there are people who like the sound and the concept of heaven being spelled backwards.
If it's the "heaven" thing you like so much, why not Celia?
I absolutely cannot believe that this name is in the top 30. It's more popular than Anna, Sarah and Ashley. Dear God, help us.
Aside from all the occult and porn star nonsense (heaven spelled backwards means hell? Who believes that?), Nevaeh is a terrible name in it's own merit. It is a clunky mess of letters and parents who pronounce it "na-VAY-uh" need to get hooked on phonics. Aside from that, if it's supposed to be heaven spelled backwards, why would it be three syllables when heaven is only two? I've heard this name a lot recently and the parents I've known personally are all very young, uneducated, trendy people. This name is the height of tackiness. Give it to your daughter if you want it to be super obvious that she comes from a low class family.
This name is horrid. It is not classy, or unique, or even cute. When I hear this name, I immediately think that the parent(s) are uneducated, they are most likely poor, and no doubt teenagers.
I do not care for the name Nevaeh, BUT I'm sick of all the hate put towards it. People say, "Oh, it's so overrated!" But I think the HATE towards this name is overrated. I personally do think it's rather silly, but if someone wants to name their daughter Nevaeh, Jesus Christ, just let them and be done with it!I'm sick of people trying to get compliments on their "wonderful naming style" and "traditionalism" by saying they dislike this name (it happens often in the Baby Names section of Yahoo Answers), we get it. It's fine to dislike a name, but honestly, why waste your time hating it?I guess I kind of wasted my own time, but just wanted to tell everyone I am actually FINE with the name Nevaeh and I think parents should be able to name their daughters Nevaeh without being ridiculed for it.
I guaruntee you most of you have a name a stripper has used once. And she's probably more known than "Nevaeh" is for strippers. And I googled this name- nothing came up that was dirty, and safesearch wasn't on either. So many names are made up- and this does have a meaning- It's still heaven. But okay ignorant people, continue living with your peanut sized brains of tolerance, and see how far it gets you. This name is actually pretty, and it isn't god awful at all. If a Nevaeh is reading this comment right now, go you! Your name has started a lot of controversy, but it makes it all the better. I'd actually be proud to wear this name.
Yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck, yuck.
I have never understood why this is so popular. I don't like it, just because of the way it looks and sounds.
Heveah to me is an ugly looking mess of letters. The meaning of heaven spelled backwards has no appeal. Why not name the kid Heaven and be done with it?
I personally love this name. It has a meaning all its own. I think the pronunciation would be complicated to say, but otherwise, I would probably name a daughter this.
I actually think that it SOUNDS pretty in a fantasy/exotic sort of way. However, the whole "heaven spelled backwards" thing makes it horribly tacky. Also, it sounds like the skin care brand NIVEA.If you like the sound of the name and would use it if not for the "heaven" thing, maybe you could invent a similar sounding name. You could also use a similar-sounding word or name; for example, "NINEVEH" popped into my mind while typing this.
Nevaeh makes baby Lucifer cry.