Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my name. I used to hate it when I was a child because I thought it sounded harsh and old fashioned, but over time I've grown to like it. I think it's a unique name, I've never met anyone else with my name. But it's annoying when people ask me if I was named after the singer. I was named after one of my cousins who died before I was born. I also like the meaning of my name. It's of German origin and means 'Noble'.
My own name is Adelle and I love my name! Though I was born in France but my parents moved to Uk when I was about 8 so I had to go with them and a lot of kids in my new school teased, sometimes bullied me for having a name that's considered odd and uncommon in the UK.
I've liked this name for a lot longer than the singer with the same name hit the airwaves. Adelle in my story is short for Adelaide.
I absolutely adore this name. It's not very popular and it's so pretty! I first heard it in an old "Suspense" radio show. It was creepy, but I still like the name. And I like it with two ls.
I love the name Adell, my granny's name is Joan Adell. My middle name was going to be Adell, but my mom changed it at the last minute. :( I've always said, one of these days I'm gonna have my middle name changed to that.
I love this name along with Adela and Adelia. I think that it's in desperate need of a comeback too. It's so elegant sounding and the spelling is very beautiful but not too girly.
I have a really bad association with this name, but I loved little Adele Varens from the novel "Jane Eyre". If I ever used this name, it would be because of the mentioned character.
Adelle is a beautiful name, but I much prefer the spelling Adele.
Putting aside the fact I knew a very nasty person named Adele, I think the name Adelle is very pretty and elegant. I prefer this spelling too. It is very feminine.
From the first time I heard the name Adelle I fell in love with it. It's a beautiful and unusual name that is striking. The fact that it is uncommon makes it even more appealing to me. It's a name I would definitely name a daughter if I had one!

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