Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Hello, Adina is an ancient Persian name which is derived from Zoroastrianism. Adina was a person who was responsible to keep the fire alive in the temple. Also means beautiful.
My name is Adina, and I'm a Romanian girl. No connection with Hebrews, but I know its origins are biblical.
Adi is a boy's name over here, but it's usually a short form from Adrian, which is Latin (Adrianus or Hadrianus.)African Meaning: She has savedSomebody wrote that Adina was Ariel's sister, but her spelling was Attina.It's also a song by punk band Rancid.On a personal touch, I hated my name until I was 14 years old, because it was uncommon and people laughed at me for not having a usual, traditional name. Now I find it lovely, and strong because of the letter "D".
This name has two spelling variants in Hebrew: one, masculine, from a proper name in the Hebrew Bible, and one, feminine, based on a Hebrew adjective (which also in found in the Hebrew Bible).The masculine Adina is spelled in Hebrew as עדינא, and is the name of a soldier found in 1 Chronicles 11:42. The spelling (with the final aleph) suggests an Aramaic, rather than a Hebrew, origin.The feminine name in Hebrew is spelled עדינה. This Adina means "noble," "delicate," or "refined." It is a modern Hebrew name, but the word itself can be found in Isaiah 47:8.Today, the masculine Adina is unknown as a name, but the feminine Adina is a popular name, both in Israel and in Jewish communities worldwide. [noted -ed]

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