Comments (Pronunciation Only)

Variant English Pronunciation: ə-LEES.
Now if the person is English or French then you would say “Alis” but if the person is Italian or Romanian then you would say “Alee-Ché”.
In early 20th century, Alice was pronounced a-LEE-se in Sweden. My grandmother, born in 1917, is Lilly Alice.
Since they didn't know how to pronounce English names in Norway "back in the old days", people tended to treat them as if they were Norwegian. Thus my grandmother's aunt was named Alice, pronounced like [al-EE-së]. Sounds like a completely different name, but not bad at all!
In Italy this name is used and it is pronounced ah-lee'-cheyh. [noted -ed]
Pronounced as "Ah-lee-tse".
The Italian variant of "Alice" is the name "Alice", which is pronounced [aliche], where the stress is on the "i".

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