Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Alisia aa-LIH-Siy-aa and it's very rude for people to talk about other people's names- it's the name I got when I was born, any others as well, so please stop.
Terrible, TERRIBLE.
One of my friends is named Alisia. She loves her name, but hates that no one can ever spell it right (they always think that it's spelled "Alicia"). She pronounces it "ah-LIH-see-ah", with a short "i".
The good thing is that the name is clearly pronounced ''ah-LEE-see-ah''. The bad thing is that it sounds a bit pretentious that way, and the name doesn't look quite as ''mature'' as Alicia somehow. It looks misspelled.
Alisia is an alright name. The name is soft sounding which is nice, but other than that it sounds like a name for an old lady!

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