Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I think this name is nice for males and females.
Amari is such a pretty name! I think it is common enough that people know how to say it and can like it, but also not too common and overused. I know a girl named Amari and she is really cool and fun. Also, Amari and the Nightbrothers was such a good book, and the MC was amazing.
If this is a "ghetto" name, then I like it that way. I've heard of Amarion - but Amari seems to be the best feature of that unisex name. It's good enough to stand by itself. It's strong but soft. It's lively yet invincible. This is one of the best invented names I've ever heard. Inventing names is not a crime. So it's quite wrong to discriminate against people who wear invented names. Amari is one of the better ones, if you ask me. So I'll find it quite interesting if somebody finds *this* name ghetto, just because they don't like the look or sound of it, and it just so happened to be invented by a black person.
I love it. It's a very compelling name that is not too common or overused.
In my opinion, Amari is more masculine than feminine. It looks like a variation of Omari. I feel like names like Amani, or Imani are feminine. Not Amari. But hey, it’s cute on a girl.
Overused in my area.
In my opinion, Amari is a boy name. I met girls named with the name Amani, or Imani, but not a girl named Amari.
I like it. I've met three people named Amari and all of them were women, so I think of it as more of a feminine name.

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