Comments (Meaning / History Only)

Usages: Ancient Egyptian, Egyptian MythologyPronunciation: ah mun etMeaning: From Egyptian imnt meaning "the female hidden one", as a feminine form of Amun. In Egyptian mythology she was a primordial goddess, a member of the Ogdoad and the consort of Amun, typically depicted as a woman in a red crown holding a staff of papyrus. By the twelfth dynasty (c.1991 BCE - c.1803 BCE) she was overshadowed as Amun's consort by Mut and was mostly just worshiped in Thebes where she was seen as the protector of the pharaoh. She also played a role in the Amun cult at Karnak, and in royal ceremonies such as the Sed Festival. Eventually she came to be syncretized with Neith. from name #22245 originally submitted by user Hannah Ruth)

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