Comments (Personal Impression Only)

How are people saying this name is boring? Aya is a gorgeous name. Short, simple, and beautiful meaning. And it can go with almost any middle! Aya Josephine, Aya Emmeline, Aya Beatrix, Aya Persephone, and even double middle names like Aya May Celine, Aya Beatrix Dawn, and some more.In conclusion: Aya is a great name.
Okay although boring- feels like it’s missing something.
This name makes me think of Mario when he fires rapid punches and screams AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA! OOWAYA!.
I'm Maya. This is just my name without the M. I really do like it, it's a pretty cool name, but for me, I'll always see it as my name misspelled. Still, a nice name.
Good name for a girl who likes to say Ay.
It's a lovely name, it's sweet and I see it well on a little girl!
A very common name in Japan and also a common nickname here in the Philippines. The name also exists in other cultures, with different spellings and meanings. But still, I love it. It's short, simple, and so nice. Very apt because "kaaya-Aya" is a Filipino word that means beautiful, pleasant, and appealing. It's a common name/nickname for girls but there are also guys who use the name. =)
I love this name! Pretty yet simple, lyrical and blithe sounding. I imagine this name belonging on a shy, but spunky and quirky girl with an artistic flare and a great sense of humor. And it is very uncommon where I live so that's a bonus. I just really, really love this name!
So pretty, simple, uncommon, and sweet. I'd definitely use it.
I have a cousin named Alicia whose nickname is Aya. I wasn't sure what the name meant in reference to her (I thought it had something to do with the Ayah from The Secret Garden), but now that I know it's Japanese, I understand where she got it. She likes the language of Japanese (she's really into animes and mangas and always draws anime-style characters), and the meaning of "color" or "design" suits her well. It sounds like an artistic girl who can go between two different types of behavior, crazy and silly or dead-serious, both of them suiting her equally well (this is what my cousin does). I'd definitely use it.
I know a girl named Aya, it's a very pretty name. I like it because it's short and simple.

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