Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Biff Bean, councillor of Lincoln, England between 2023 and 2024.
Allen "Biff" Hooper from "Hardy Boys".
Peter "Biff" Byford from the British 80s metal band Saxon. His nickname is, of course, derived from his last name of Byford.
Biff and Chip + Kipper is a British story book for children.
Biff Brannon is a character in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers (1940). He is the owner of the New York Café.
Biff McGuire (1926-) (born William McGuire and in recent years using the name "William Biff McGuire") is an American Actor.
The Magic Key is a series of books published for children as part of the Oxford Reading Tree, used to teach reading in 80% of UK primary schools. It stars the characters Biff Robinson (twin of Chip) (real name Barbara), Chip Robinson (twin of Biff) (real name David) and Kipper Robinson (younger brother of Biff and Chip) (real name Christopher).
Possibly one of the most famous uses, the rival of Marty McFly in the movies, Back to the Future.
A main character in Christopher Moore's novel "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal".
Biff is the title (and only) character in the webcomic "The Book of Biff" by Chris Hallbeck.
In the book "A Is For Angst", there is a girl called Elizabeth and is called Biff by her best friend.
Biff is one of the characters who appears frequently in Oxford Reading Tree books - practically every child in England over the past twenty years has read them in infant and primary school.Biff was a girl, who had brothers called Chip and Kipper. Funny stuff.
On Sesame Street, Biff was a Muppet construction worker. He was very talkative and had a strong New York accent. His sidekick was the always silent Sully.
In Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, Biff is a main character.

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