Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A gentle touch, a soft exhale, an imperceptible ripple in the earth. Upon first glance, my heart almost stopped. In front of me on the screen was a cosmically beautiful name, glowing pink like silky petals and green like vines reaching around the letters. A face of flowers is perhaps the essence of nature itself -- it's hard to believe that some people would think it a horrendous choice. It's a refresher when there are 3 Charlottes and 4 Emmas in my class.
Obviously this name looks strange to English speakers, but I actually find myself drawn to it. There's something mystical and mysterious about it.
Um... It's long and complicated, but beautiful once you know how to pronounce it. ♥.
Beautiful name. I would put it as a middle name however to prevent pronunciation issues.
I probably wouldn't name my kid this, but some might want to.
This name seems lovely to me! I don't understand why it seems hideous to others; my first impression of it was a pretty, feminine French name, before I read the description. I love it and its meaning.
It’s hard to believe this name is feminine.
Hideous spelling and pronunciation.
It's not feminine or flattering in the least.
Just because you can't spell or pronounce a name does not make it hideous.
I like Welsh names, they have nice meanings and look good. Unfortunately they are in many cases hard to pronounce :(
At first, I thought how disgusting this name was, thinking it meant bloody wedding or something, but now I know how to pronounce it, it's one of the most lovely names I have heard of!

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