Comments (Pronunciation Only)

My name is Callie, as was my great-grandmother's. In our family it has always been pronounced /kæli/ ("KAL-ee"), rhymes with valley. I am an American English speaker living in the U.S., and have only ever heard it pronounced this way. It may be pronounced differently elsewhere. British English, for example, might not use the /æ/ sound (like the a in cat) for this name, and could instead use the /a:r/ sound (that "AH" sound in the British pronunciation of "far"). I'm not certain.But in the American south, at least, Callie rhymes with valley.
No offense, it's a great name but when I saw the name in Nancy I thought it was pronounced Sally and I thought of it as a hideous name. But now I know it's Kelly (or pronounced that way) and I think it's great.

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