Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Columba Domínguez Adalid (March 4, 1929 – August 13, 2014) was a Mexican actress, singer, and painter. She is considered a crucial figure in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema and is remembered particularly for her performance in the film "Pueblerina" (1949), which is considered one of the jewels of the Mexican Cinema.
Columba is a female character in the novel Seek the Fair Land by Walter Macken.
The name Malcolm stems from this, meaning 'disciple of Saint Columba'. There is also a Scottish clan called clan Malcolm, or clan MacCallum, which translates roughly to 'son of the disciple of Columba', or 'son of Malcolm'.
A constellation bears this name (called either Columba or Columba Noachii) that is just south of Canis Major in the sky.
There is also a female St. Columba, of Cornwall. According to her legend, she was a princess of a pagan tribe who fled into Cornwall to avoid marriage to a pagan prince. A miraculous spring originated on the spot where he killed her.

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