Comments (Meaning / History Only)

In Greece there is a name Koralia (Κοραλία in the Greek alphabet, also transliterated as Coralia). For example a famous bearer is the actress Koralia Karanti. I cannot vouch for the veracity of this, but from a Google search there seems to be an obscure saint in the Orthodox church named Koralia. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the English word "coral" ultimately derives from the Ancient Greek "korallion", which is probably the etymology for Koralia as well. Coralie is likely related to Koralia. [noted -ed]
Coralie could also mean "maiden" from English "Cora".
It's a French stand-alone name, not a pet form of Coral. It has the same meaning as Coral, though. [noted -ed]
My friend is called this and she says it was the name of a Celtic goddess of the underworld which I think is pretty awesome.

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