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Cristoforo Landino (1424–1498) was an Italian humanist and an important figure of the Florentine Renaissance.Cristoforo Scacco di Verona (XV-XVI AD) Italian painter. Cristoforo Solari (c. 1460–1527), also known as il Gobbo (the hunchbacked), was an Italian sculptor and architect. He was the brother of the painter Andrea Solari.Cristoforo Madruzzo (1512–1578) was an Italian Roman Catholic cardinal and statesman. His brother Eriprando was a mercenary captain who fought in the Italian Wars.Cristoforo Ivanovich (1628–1689) was the first historian of Venetian opera, who also wrote several librettos of his own.Ausonio Franchi (real name Cristoforo Bonavino) (1821–1895) was an Italian philosopher and editor.Fra Cristoforo is a main character in 'I Promessi Sposi' (The Betrothed) by Alessandro Manzoni. He is a brave and generous friar who helps Renzo and Lucia, acting as a sort of "father figure" to both and as the moral compass of the novel. Fra Cristoforo was the son of a wealthy family, and joined the Capuchin Order after killing a man.

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