Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I'd rather Darryl.
My name is Daryl and I am female. I have met one other female Daryl when I was selling some books online. She was in her sixties and said that she had never come across another female Daryl until she met me. Personally I don't like the name. If name changing wasn't a bit pretentious, I'd change mine to Darya.
Daryl Hannah makes this name feminine for some reason.
This is an awesome name! It's cool for both genders in my opinion. :D This name makes me think of Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead.
It's not a very pleasant sounding name, the spelling is odd, and its pretty dated. But this should be used for boys only, nothing about it is feminine! And in a way, its Daryl Hannah's fault that Madison is considered a female name... A horrible crime indeed. Haha.
Despite being the name of the actress Daryl Hannah, who can hardly be described as androgynous, let alone masculine, the name definitely sounds masculine to me. It's like Darrell rather than feminine names ending in -yl like Sheryl and Meryl. I wouldn't use this for a girl. It sounds quite harsh on females, and a bit harsh on males as well.

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