Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If this is a French name, how can it be used in German and Dutch? Those accents do not exist in the latter two languages.
Personally, I think Désirée sounds quite beautiful, but too close to the word "desire".
It's pretty and very French. It sounds so romantic. I had to read Desiree's Baby in high school.
Lovely French name, but bordering on tacky.
Weird and ugly.
As many others named Désirée, I hated it as a child. I'm now 18 and I'm finally growing to like it. In my case it's written like this: Desirée. I never liked how people always pronounced it wrong, like in German people tend to say "Deseree" or in English it's "Desi-ray". I used to tell everyone to just call me "Desi" and the English speaking part of my family just calls me "Daisy". I stopped doing that and now I always introduce myself as Desirée. I like that it's an unusual name and also that it means " the desired" meaning "the one wished for". Also, since I'm an actress, artists used to remember me as the one with the poetic name and I'm often told how beautiful it is.
So, I'll just have to grow with the name, eventually I'll finally grow to love it. :)
Unless you are French, this name can sound extremely trashy. I've seen it spelt Dezirae. Might as well name your kid "Deja" or "Cherie".
Too close to the word desire. It sounds like a stripper name.
I was the same way as a few others that have this name. I absolutely HATED this name as I was growing up but now that I'm older I think that the name suits me quite well.
The person that posted saying this is a "grown up" name- We all start somewhere sweetie. I feel for the ones that have Kailey, Hannah and Chelsea as names because those aren't good, strong, "grown up" names. But nevertheless our names are a small part of what make us different and I now, am happy my mother named me something out of the ordinary.
I think this name has the potential to a be a curse. If your daughter doesn't have the 'look' for the name, then she could easily be picked on. And, I don't think it's a name for a baby or young child. It's an adult name.
I like the name Desiree because that is my name. And when I was younger I did not like it but now I think that it is a good name.
Very elegant and strong sounding!
When I was a kid, I hated my name. I wanted a normal name, one that everybody else had. Now I'm very pleased with it, though. It's nice that there are no misunderstandings, if someone calls Desiree, I'm the one. I have often been asked what my 'real' name is, though, people have thought I used it as a pseudonym. It is used in Denmark, but not widely enough for me to ever have known anyone else bearing it.
There was a girl on the show Smallville who had this name and when it was mentioned I absolutely fell in love with it! I hope to name my kid that name someday!
I absolutely adore this name and it will surely be my first daughter's name. Hands down the cutest name out there. (Well to me.)
Great name!
Frankly, I despise this name. I'm not sure why.
Beautiful name! Both my mother and sister are bearers of this name, and they are both sweet and charming ladies. My grandfather heard this name when he was stationed in France during WWII and fell in love with it - thus he used this name for his youngest child, my mother.
This name is beautiful and underused. I never met a Desiree until junior high, and she spells her name Dezarae.
I really like this name, as well. I was originally supposed to be named Desiree, but my mom's old best friend apparently stole the name and named her child that, first. So now I'm named Chelsea. xD
A beautiful name. I like to say it with a gutteral 'r', but I doubt that's really how you prounounce it. I just think that's a fun way to say it.
I really like this name a lot. Unfortunately, I met a young girl named Desiree who was (I won't hold back or anything) to say the least, a complete and utter brat. Desiree has, for the rest of my life, ruined my outlook on this beautiful name.

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