Comments (Usage Only)

In 2020, 113 girls were named Destinee in the US. The name last ranked in 2013, when it was ranked at #918. It peaked in 1997 at #306, when 945 girls were named Destinee.
Reading the comments about "Destiny" and "Destinee", it appears that those names are considered disreputable. As for me, I'm French and live in France and have never heard of anyone named this; maybe that's why I kind of like it.As stated above, the misspelling "Destinee" is very close to the French form of "Destiny" : "Destinée" (pronounced des-ti-NAY ('ay' being the closest sound to the french "é")).The meaning being the same, it would still seem strange here in France. However, there are other (centuries ?-)old names that are actual words: Désiré (desired), Aimé (loved), Bienvenu (welcome), Honoré (honoured), Fortuné (fortunate), and so on (just add an "e" to feminize them). Very few people are named this nowadays, and those names are often associated with French-speaking people living / coming from African countries or oversea territories (Guadalupe, Martinique, Réunion).

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