Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Dido's a very zany and whacky name. "Are you ready for Dido the Clown?" Sounds like a girl who loves to laugh and make you smile.
I think of the song "Thank You" and the Phoenician queen when I hear this name.
I think Dido a very endearing nickname! I especially like it after watching the movie Belle, about Dido Elizabeth Belle. I don’t know why but I always assumed it was a nickname for Dorothy? I think Dorothy/Dorothea, Dorinda or Dolores could be formal name for Dido. Also if dildo is the first thing you think of when you hear this name, that says more about you than the name itself honestly.
But very nice too.
Dido is an English singer/songwriter.
Her music is very nostalgic to me.
Very rich old socialite name. Also...dildo.
I agree that it's way too close to dildo and dodo, and it always makes me think of the Smurfs, who called the baby smurf's diaper a "didey," for some reason. This name is awful. It needs to stay in the past with Goneril and Dorcas.
I ADORE IT! I've always thought that name was perfect for a possible daughter of Hermione Granger (Harry potter character) intstead of Rose, which I find pretty but boring compared to her mother's name.
Oh my Gosh, I misread this as "Dildo".
Awkward sounding... makes me think of dildo which, given the meaning of Dido, is funny.
Dido is such a beautiful name. Maybe more of a guilty pleasure, due to the similarities to the word dildo, but nevertheless it's still gorgeous.
Like "Dido". PERSON 1: "I think we should see Aliens."
PERSON 2: Dido.It also sounds like dildo, and dodo. There is just too much wrong with this name.
I always think of the "Thank You" singer when I heard this name. I think she's a nice singer and all, but I wouldn't name my girl this. I'm worried that she would be made fun of and of course they might accidentally put an "L" in it (Which is a terrible thing to do). It does have interesting history though, which is cool.
I love this name, but I wouldn't use it because it sounds like "dydoe", which is a type of male genital piercing.
It's too close to a certain sex toy.
The name has a bit of a child-like sound to it that makes me doubt it's going to suit most adults. Plus, the name only mkaes me think of the singer, whose music is rather dull and radio-friendly.
Too close to "dodo" to me. As for the Phoenician queen, her other name Elissa is SO much prettier!

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