Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The spelling looks quite royal, like what you would find on a prince or king. It’s better than Donald.
Oh wow you guys, praise the heavens above that the name police have arrived to instruct us all what names to like and to bestow upon our offspring. Good lord, shouldn't we all have known to ONLY use anglicized spellings? After all, we all know variety and different cultures are simply nothing more than a folly!That being stated, I find Domhnall a marvelous name. "Ruler of the world"? Yes indeed! And a marvelous spelling!
Dear everyone who is a fan of Gaelic spellings, I hope you realize that essentially NO one outside of Ireland, Scotland and maybe even Britain and surrounding places uses Gaelic spelling. You use a Gaelic spelling and you better pray for them if they enter the states and possibly other non-gaelic countries as well. Their name will get slaughtered; both by spelling and pronunciation. That's a given.
We don't do Gaelic spellings! Talk about giving your child a headache upon meeting new people (: anglecized please!Domhnall isn't that bad considering.
Caiohme: that's somehow keeva\keva. And sad to say, that's not even the worst of the horrid Gaelic spellings.

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