Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is so incredibly unique, which means that I absolutely adore it! I came across it in the Selection book series, and since I found the name Eadlyn I have fallen in love with it. I want my daughter in the future (if I have one) to be named Eadlyn. Edie/ Eady is a really sweet nickname for this name. In my opinion, Eadlyn would suit a baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, and elderly lady as it is very versatile. It means “wealth” and “noble” so would be a very subtle princessy name. I say this because although it sounds princessy and the meaning is very royal, many people would just think of it as a nice name, which is good as obviously royal names are overused really. If your name is Eadlyn, you are extremely lucky to have this name and your parents did very well to find such a special name! I’m only the second person to comment on this and it’s a user submitted name- that shows how rare it is! However, I love it for its uniqueness and versatility.
I'm the first person commenting on this name, yay? I found this name in the Selection book series, and ever since I found it, I've been absolutely in LOVE. It's so unique which makes it very special, I have never met anyone named Eadlyn and I want my future daughter to be named this. The name means wealthy friend and it comes from "wealth" or "noble." A nickname for this name is Eady. This is some research I have found, "The U.S. Social Security Administration ( public data has no record of the name Eadlyn. Imagine that, your name is not present in the 6,028,151 public data. One possible reason is that there are fewer than five occurrences of your name. Ssshhh, SSA is trying to protect your privacy. You might want to use a short version of your first name or perhaps your nickname.On the other hand, you merely have a name that no one else in America is using. Your parents have done an impressive research job. For 139 years only they have thought of the name “Eadlyn.” Outstanding!" If you're reading this and your name is Eadlyn, just know that you're cool and unique!

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