Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It’s an okay name. Seems to have died out now sadly.
Kinda sounds like hurl.
Earl showed up to the meeting early.
A little old-fashioned and medieval for my taste.
I like the feminine forms of Earl better, but this is an okay name. People may get the idea that this name would remind others of barfing and it may sound a bit ugly, but not too ugly.
I know a Baptist Minister from Texas named Jimmy Earl. Depite what stereotypical characteristics some of the commenters here may attribute to him (without ever meeting him), I can attest to the fact that he is extremely well educated, well spoken, kind and generous. He is always well dressed and groomed. A name is just a name. The power comes from what you do with it.
Earl is such an ugly rednecked name. Only one I ever knew had it for a middle name, and was rather a redneck who never bathed.
It's not a bad name but it's really old fashioned, that's for sure.
Because of the show My Name is Earl, I will forever associate this name with trailer trash.
This is another name that I despise. Definitely a redneck name. I've met two old white men with this name, both of whom are bad-tempered racists. It really sounds like the name of a Confederate type who tries to force his Baptist beliefs on everyone.
Ugly ugly, can't stand it!
This name sounds so redneck!
I must say that this one always struck me as something stuck up people choose for their sons. Also, people who like to appear fancier than they are might pick this name out of pretentiousness. The name is a title, for crying out loud, and quite old-fashioned and ugly as well.
I have never seen any attraction that this name might hold. It sounds like throwing up, there's a lot of guys around here who pronounce oil very similarly, my middle school principal was named Earl and his voice was so high-pitched that when he spoke over the intercom he sounded like an owl hooting. And now it's a big laugh anytime you want to say goodbye to a man named Earl. "Goodbye Earl." Dixie Chicks and the poisoned wife-beater.
A well rounded name. Mostly used now-a-days as a middle name.

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