Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I liked this years ago. It’s became too popular.
It’s getting too popular, but it’s alright.
My brother's name. Some nicknames are East, Easty (East-ee), Easty West, Weston, and some more. :)
It’s a pretty common name but it’s alright.
Meh, much prefer as a surname than first name.
I love the name Easton. It sounds cool, strong and high class. Besides, it's easy to pronounce and spell. In my opinion, it's good for both little ones and adults.
Easton is absolutely a cute, fresh and strong name. It makes me think of sunrise, a new day full of hope.
Makes me think of a bratty little boy.
A really ugly given name as we know it, and its meaning 'east town' is a total meh.
As a given name, along with Norton and Weston, a terrible mistake.
I have no links nor ties with it. I don't know anyone -real or fictional- with this name. So it is just surnamey.
Sounds like a name of a street. Better as as a surname.
This is a nice name for a boy and will age well!
What last names aren't used as first names these days and why must last names stay last names? I didn't know there were such rules as to how names evolve over time. I've actually never even heard of anyone with this last name. People are so small minded when it comes to names. All names started somewhere at some point, so even when people say that names sound made up I think they sound like idiots because were all names not made up at one point? The last names as first names is not a new trend, maybe just one that came back around as all history does... I can think of tons of instances I've seen last names like Harrison and Walker and Carter in the 18th and 19th centuries... it's a stupid argument... even names that were popular 40 years ago were probably last names at some point...i.e., Allen, Henry, Randall, they are all last names. This is my son's first name and I love it.
I dislike Easton as a given name. It's just another last name that is being used as a first name now for whatever reason.
Very good name. I like it.
I really like the sound of the name Easton; it sounds so cute, handsome and classy! Overall, this is a nice, solid, strong, underused masculine name. :)
I used this name as a surname for one of my characters because to me, it's, well, more of a surname. It's fine as a first or middle I guess, but I prefer it as a last name.
I like the name Easton... It's a nice contemporary male name. It seems to me that there's not a lot of variety where male names are concerned so I would like to meet someone named Easton.

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