Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My name is Ebba and honestly most people outside of Sweden (I come from Sweden) produce it as Eb,ba. I really like my name though.
One of the most uninteresting names I know of.
At least it can be used as an alternative to the highly overused, generic, and overrated Emma.
Really people! It's one hell of a perfect name. Spelled and pronounced similarly to Ella and Emma except with the double b's.
I don't really like this name. Honestly it sounds a bit charmless to me.
Ebba is my middle name. It's also my mom's middle name, and it came from her mom, whose first name is Ebba. Grandma's parents were Swedish immigrants and as has been noted, this name is very popular in Sweden. I never knew anyone else that had the name besides the 3 of us so I'm glad to hear there are others. I used to find it embarrassing because no-one I knew had such a weird middle name, but I have become happier about it as I grew up, embraced my ethnic heritage, and also learned about the two St. Ebbas.
It's ok, but to me it sounds like someone with a stuffy nose saying Emma.
I like this name. I find many Germanic names harsh-sounding, but Ebba is very sweet and has a pleasant ring to it. Though Emma sounds a bit more "mature", I prefer Ebba, since it is prettier and in Ireland, it is much less common. Emma has always struck me as being dull and conventional anyway, as I know so many Emmas. Ebba is much more interesting and different. Though it doesn't ruin Ebba for me, I'm not that happy about the whole mutilated face story. :(
Despite this name's trendiness in Sweden, I find it to be very pretty and unusual.
Hmm, this is a very interesting name. I have never heard of it. This is a name that could work for either a character or a real person.
It almost looks like a German form of Emma. I can picture an old, kind woman who grins at you all the time. Or a sweet fair-haired girl. Very sweet and calm.
Ebba is my name and I love it, I have never met anyone who shares my name. At home I am known as Ebbie which is a pet form of Ebba.

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